“LOCATION: The shooting happened in a housing estate in San Francisco [NBC BAY AREA]”
Housing Estate? Is that Liberal-Speak for “Housing Project”? I’m gonna have to update my Liberal Dictionary LOL
Anti-gunners love stories like this because it gives them a false sense of security. “Oh look, he didn’t have a gun yet he didn’t die.”
Clifton Chatman, 16, was pronounced dead at the scene by police after he and a group of males had tried robbing a man.
Members of the gang had tried taking the victim’s possessions when cornering him in a housing estate, police said.
As the man went to hand over his goods including his mobile phone, one of the robbers pulled out a hand gun.
Police said the victim complied with every request but the mugger still shot the gun at him.
The bullet bounced off the victim’s face and flew back into Chatman – killing him instantly.
After the incident on December 14 in San Francisco, US, the muggers’ victim was taken to hospital with serious injuries.
The bullet is believed to have shattered a bone in the victim’s face before ricocheting into Chatman.
Another 16-year-old has been arrested on suspicion of murder and attempted robbery.
The name of the boy has not been released because of his age.
Investigators are now searching for the remaining gang members that fled the scene before the police arrived.
Source: http://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/358389/Mugger-killed-by-bullet-that-bounced-off-victim-s-face
Before the anti-gunners start demanding more gun control, consider the facts.
1. It’s illegal for anyone under 21 to buy a handgun
2. It’s illegal for anyone under 21 to get a concealed carry license (which the shooter did not have by the way)
3. It’s illegal to rob people
4. It’s illegal to shoot people in the face unless it’s lawful self-defense
And let’s consider this, if more law-abiding Californians carried guns, perhaps that 16-year-old shooter would have been killed by someone else. Think of criminals the way you think of roaches, if you see one, you better tun your house into a gas chamber, spray that Raid like it’s going out of style, clean everything like you’re Martha Stewart on Cocaine, why? Because when you ignore a problem, it becomes a bigger problem, a huge problem.
Crime is crazy in California, this poor victim did everything the liberals wanted to do.
A. He didn’t fight back
B. He cooperated with the criminals
C. He handed out his property
And what good did it do him? What good is being a nice little victim when you get shot in the face?
I wish you well, unnamed victim, I hope you get out of the projects someday.
P.S. I doubt the shooter completed the exam for the Handgun Safety Certificate (HSC) California gun owners are supposed to take.