Moviefone Calls Hacksaw Ridge Anti-Gun


The headline tells me everything I need to know:

Andrew Garfield Plays Anti-Gun WWII Hero in Mel Gibson’s ‘Hacksaw Ridge’ Trailer

 War doesn’t just need soldiers, it needs saviors. Andrew Garfield takes on the real-life story of heroic U.S. Army medic Desmond Doss in “Hacksaw Ridge,” the World War II drama from director Mel Gibson coming out this November.

Doss was a Seventh-day Adventist who didn’t believe in carrying a weapon or killing. But he wanted to use his skills to help, so he became a medic and enlisted during WWII, saving 75 men — without firing or even carrying a gun — in Okinawa, during the bloodiest battle of the war. He was the only American soldier in WWII to fight on the front lines without a weapon. He single-handedly evacuated the wounded from behind enemy lines, and was injured by a grenade and hit by snipers. Desmond Doss became was the first conscientious objector awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor.

Here’s how another writer puts it:
Synopsis: HACKSAW RIDGE is the extraordinary true story of WWII medic Desmond Doss, played by Andrew Garfield (The Amazing Spiderman), who, in Okinawa during the bloodiest battle of WWII, miraculously saved 75 men in a matter of hours without firing or carrying a gun. He was the only American soldier in WWII to fight on the front lines without a weapon, except the simple prayer he uttered before he single-handedly evacuated the wounded from behind enemy lines, under constant enemy gunfire and artillery bombardment. Doss’ courage and faith won the admiration of his commanders and fellow soldiers, as he saved the lives of the very men who had persecuted him for refusing to carry a gun. He believed the war was just, but to kill under any circumstance was wrong. Doss was labeled the first conscientious objector (he called himself a “conscientious cooperator” as he volunteered) to receive the Congressional Medal of Honor.

Am I crazy? Or does this seems a film for the Moms Demand Action mob? Of course the heroes that could be glorified in film, Mel Gibson chooses a pacifist who refused to do his duty. Let’s be clear about it, when you’re in basic training you’re supposed to do EVERYTHING your drill sergeant tells you to do. As far as I’m concerned, Doss should have ended up in the brig for dereliction of duty, but I guess those were desperate times and maybe some bureaucrat thought that an unarmed medic makes sense.

Honestly, I’d rather see a movie about women who dressed like men to fight for George Washington. That’s controversial AND heroic, here’s an example:

In October of 1778 Deborah Samson of Plympton, Massachusetts disguised herself as a young man and presented herself to the American army as a willing volunteer to oppose the common enemy. She enlisted for the whole term of the war as Robert Shirtliffe and served in the company of Captain Nathan Thayer of Medway, Massachusetts.
For three years she served in various duties and was wounded twice – the first time by a sword cut on the side of the head and four months later she was shot through the shoulder. Her sexual identity went undetected until she came down with a brain fever, then prevalent among the soldiers.The attending physician, Dr. Binney, of Philadelphia, discovered her charade, but said nothing. Instead he had her taken to his own home where she would receive better care. When her health was restored the doctor met with Robert’s commanding officer and subsequently an order was issued for Robert Shirtliffe to carry a letter to General Washington. (This may also be “legend” as there is no record of her ever being in Philadelphia.)
When the order came for her to deliver a letter into the hands of the Commander-in-chief, she knew that her deception was over. She presented herself at the headquarters of Washington, trembling with dread and uncertainty. General Washington, to spare her embarrassment, said nothing. Instead he sent her with an aide to have some refreshments, then summoned her back. In silence Washington handed Deborah Samson a discharge from the service, a note with some words of advice, and a sum of money sufficient to bear her expenses home. (This, too, may well be more legend than fact.)
To me, that takes a lot more courage than refusing to fire a gun, Doss did. Wikipedia has a list of cross dressers in the military, here’s the 19th century.

  • Albert D. J. Cashier (1843–1915), born Jennie Irene Hodgers, was an Irish-born woman served in the Union Army during the American Civil War as a male soldier.
  • Sarah Emma Edmonds (1841–1898) served with the Union Army in the American Civil War disguised as a man named Frank Thompson.
  • Mollie Bean served with the Confederate Army in the American Civil War under the alias Melvin Bean.
  • Mary and Molly Bell, cousins who both served with the Confederate Army in the American Civil War.
  • Cathay Williams (1844–1892) was a former slave who became the first recorded African-American woman in the U.S. Army.
  • Loreta Janeta Velazquez a.k.a. “Lieutenant Harry Buford” (June 26, 1842 – c. 1897) – A Cuban woman who donned Confederate garb and served as a Confederate officer and spy during the war.[4][5]

Honestly, I don’t get what’s wrong with Mel Gibson. He goes from being ultra-Catholic, even rejecting the Vatican II reforms, to being a Jew-hating drunk driver, and now pacifist? From Lethal Weapon and Get the Gringo to Hacksaw Ridge?

I think he needs a good psychologist.

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