More Women are Shooting


Whether it’s the Lay Smith ($760) or pink camo Mossberg Muddy Girl, the ladies are discovering the 2nd Amendment.

80% of gun retailers reported an increase in female customers in 2012

22% of the concealed carry permits are held by women.

In Texas, women hold 28% of concealed carry permits, up sevenfold in the last 10 years.

Tiffany Lakosky, a former flight attendant who hunts professionally on the Outdoor Channel show “Crush with Lee & Tiffany,” said she’s noticed a big increase in gun-related products for women. She doesn’t care about pink guns, but she does appreciate pistols with smaller frames, like her .380-caliber semiautomatic.

“I wear it for protection,” she said. “I like it because when I go running on a dirt road I have a belly band and it fits that. I can mow my lawn with it. I can wear it in my purse and no one even knows that I have it.”

So what can gun companies do to continue this trend?

She said that many of the women who visit her trailer eventually buy firearms, and that gun retailers need to take female customers more women seriously, instead of “talking over them” when they walk into a store with their husbands.

Butler, who is married to a Marine veteran of Afghanistan and who has a son that is also serving there, said that shooting is a relaxing sport for women who are stressed from balancing the pressures of career and family.

“When you are aiming at your target and you’re executing a safe shot, you’re not thinking about what’s for dinner,” she said. “You’re not thinking about the problems of the day. You’re thinking about what you have to do to hit the target. When you do that, it’s just a sense of relaxation, followed by a sense of gratification. I think that every woman should experience that feeling.”
Source: Idem


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