More Cops Isn’t The Solution

What I like about this column by Abdul-Hakim Shabazz is that he doesn’t call for gun control or for hiring more cops but for common sense crime-fighting strategies.

There has been a lot of discussion lately on Indianapolis’ need for more police officers, especially in the wake of increases in violent crime. A City-County Council study commission is recommending that the city hire nearly 300 additional officers by 2020 to the tune of about $29 million. The commission recommended eliminating the property tax homestead credit, which would run about $30 per homeowner, and a slight increase in the income tax, which would cost the average wage earner $75 for every $50,000 he or she makes.

When I did the math on how this would impact the Shabazz household, it was pretty much tantamount to what it would cost me to take my wife out for a full evening in Downtown Indianapolis. For us, it’s really not that much. However, for me it’s really not about the money. Like most reasonable people, I am not automatically anti-tax because taxes are the price we pay for civilization. What I want, and I think most people want, is the biggest bang for our dollars. And, frankly, I think more officers would be a giant waste of time and money unless we do other things to go with it. Let me spell out a few.

First, what’s the point of more officers if, when the bad guys are arrested, the most serious charges either never get filed or are plea bargained down? Remember 16-year-old Simeon Adams, who was charged in the murder of Nathan Trapuzzano? Adams had been picked up twice by officers and had a weapon. The first time the weapons charge was never filed. The second time prosecutors dropped the illegal gun possession charge.

Second, more officers won’t matter if criminals aren’t serving their sentences. When most of the people charged with murder have prior felony arrests for guns, drugs and assault against another person, what are they doing back out on the street? Shamus Patton, who was convicted of shooting nine people at Indiana Black Expo in 2010, was sentenced to eight years in prison but served less than three.

Third, will more officers make a difference if we don’t give them the tools they need to do their job? IMPD Chief Rick Hite has asked to make weekend curfew the same as it is during the week to help keep young people off the streets. Now a 15-year old can run the street unsupervised until 1 a.m. on the weekends. The chief wants to move that to 11 p.m. Some council members think that’s racist because they say IMPD will use it only against black teenagers. Seriously? Since black teens tend to be victimized by other black teens, I fail to see what racism has to do with keeping kids safe.

Fourth, more police won’t matter unless we look at ways to protect public safety funding from major shifts in the economy. Someone once asked me what happened to the public safety tax increase of 2007, when taxes were raised 65 percent. I told them the bottom fell out of the economy in 2008. City income tax collections have either fallen or stayed flat for several years. So raising taxes won’t matter if Indy collects fewer dollars. I would like to see a public safety trust fund established, so if revenue collections climb those extra dollars can be used to not only protect the department from cuts, but also the taxpayers from being asked for more cash.

Of course, other things need to happen as well: community involvement, parental accountability, acknowledging that some people are no darn good and need to be removed from society.

But if local leaders can make those four things listed, happen, then my wife and I are willing to stay home and watch a movie so our fellow citizens can have safer streets and neighborhoods.

Shabazz is an attorney and the editor and publisher of Email him at [email protected].

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