More California Cities Want Gun Control

If you live in San Carlos, Menlo Park, Los Altos, Cupertino, San Jose or Los Gatos, you better pack your backs or stay and fight because evil has come to your little town.


Mattie Scott stands in front of a packed house at the Mountain View City Council Chambers. She’s here to talk about her son and nephew, both of whom were killed in gun violence. As she tells her and the boys’ story, someone in the back shouts, “You’re disgusting!”

Another woman speaks about the gut-wrenching loss of her child, who was also shot and killed. Like Scott, she has come here to advocate for better gun control in her community. But not everyone has the same agenda. In the back of the chambers, a group of mostly white men are here to shout them down.

Some hold protest signs, while others wear yellow Star of David armbands. They are the persecuted—not the dead. Before the meeting ends, one of these men will tell Scott, an African American, to “go back to where you came from.”

Said one attendee, “I think there should have been a metal detector.”

This Feb. 8 meeting, held three months after Sunnyvale passed Measure C, a municipal gun-control ordinance, is only the beginning. Communities in Silicon Valley have unexpectedly become ground zero for gun nuts and the malevolent NRA, as towns like Los Gatos and Cupertino consider measures similar to Sunnyvale’s, which restricts the size of gun clips and requires greater record-keeping of firearms.

I’m all about being politically incorrect, but can we please not tell black people to come back to where they came from? Really folks, the goal is to make friends, not create new enemies. I know you’re angry, I’m angry, but tone it down in public. Should something better like “Gun control is racist” or “Gun control keeps slaves unarmed” or “The KKK supports gun control.”

“The one thing [the NRA is] afraid of is the votes,” says Tony Spitaleri, who previously served as mayor of Sunnyvale and spearheaded Measure C. “We demonstrated that when you put sensible gun measures on the ballot, they pass. They can’t buy the voters. They can’t influence the voters with their money. So knowing that, that’s our leverage.”

Democrats are something, when it’s same-sex marriage or laws against illegal aliens, voters don’t matter, but when it comes to passing anti-gun laws, they do.

 Regardless, the momentum appears to be leaning in favor of gun control.

“It was unfortunate that pro-gun activists didn’t take advantage of the opportunity to listen and learn more about a movement that they oppose,” Lieber says. “We will keep organizing and continue to make further gains.”

Come on, this is California, when is there not momentum for gun control in that awful State? As for listening to the gun haters, how can we not? They’re everywhere and widely covered. But don’t worry, Lieber, we’re organizing too, and hopefully we’ll defeat you in the courts if we can’t win in the legislatures.



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