Moms Demand Anti-Gun T-Shirts

Now the Mad Mothers are in the t-shirt business.

Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America and Everytown for Gun Safety are hawking T-shirts, coffee mugs, tote bags and even baby onesies on the website,

Thirty dollars buys a T-shirt that bears an American flag with bullets and the slogan, “Americans are 20 times more likely to be murdered with a gun than people in other developed countries.”

The onesies ($24) and children’s T-shirts ($24) have a less-jarring message: “Future gun sense voter.”

The groups have 40,000 donors, Lamb said. “Michael Bloomberg is one of them.”


Pathetic, isn’t it? 40,000 members? My NRA has 5 million, without Bloomberg they’d be known as Moms Demand Food Stamps or Moms Demand Cheap Bankruptcy Attorney.

These people are so clueless, who sells a t-shirt for $30? You sell it for $19.99, you find an attractive price with a nice ring. $30 sounds like a lot of money, $19,99 or even $29,99 not so much. Maybe Moms should  Demand Marketing Lessons, but then again, gun control doesn’t sell, gun control has to be propped up by billionaires because it’s always a losing issue except in the bluest of blue states and cities where the Democrats always win regardless of the issue. But outside those socialist cesspools, most Americans are pro-gun.


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