Ball State University took a survey of “undergraduates at 15 Midwestern colleges found that 78 percent opposed concealed handguns on campus.”
The sample was only 1,649 undergraduates, but let’s say the survey was accurate, let’s assume the question was worded in a way not to create a bias, so what? I was a college student once, I don’t remember my opinions being worth a damn on campus. So why should we care if most liberals would rather be unarmed and defenseless?
“Students said they wouldn’t feel safe if faculty, students and visitors had weapons on campus. About 66 percent of of students said carrying a gun wouldn’t make them feel less likely to be troubled by others.”
Yeah, and I don’t feel safe when only criminals have their weapons on campus.
“To me, it’s clear that we need to have decision-making on this idea,” said Khubchandani, an assistant professor of community health education. “But the people that should be involved are the students and the campus police chiefs instead of a policymaker.”
Sorry Kubchandani, but some issues are too important to be left to a bunch of dumb college students who don’t know any better. Just like your publicly-funded university can’t ban the First Amendment, you can’t ban the Second Amendment. You want to do your own thing? Then renounce all public funding and become a PRIVATE university.
“Indiana’s two largest colleges, Indiana University and Purdue University, ban firearms on campus. University officials have said changing that policy would pose an increased safety risk.”
They always say that, but they never prove it.
“Republican state Sen. Jim Banks has proposed legislation for the past two years to let students carry firearms at public universities. Neither of the bills made it to a hearing.
Earlier this year, he told The Indianapolis Star that he brought up the issue for college students who want the protection of a gun as they walk on campuses at night.
“It’s a matter of protecting themselves, and I take that very seriously,” he said.”
And I praise Banks for writing this bill and trying to get it passed. He’s absolutely right, I would have felt a lot safer with a gun than by pressing one of those blue button things that call the police or campus security (some campuses have them), assuming I can run fast enough to get to one of them, and that I’m not dead when unarmed campus security shows up.
“Lawmakers in at least 19 state legislatures introduced bills in 2013 to allow concealed carry on campuses, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. Two passed.”
That’s right, the forces of freedom are fighting hard.
“The University of Colorado set aside a dorm specifically for concealed-carry permit-holders where guns would be allowed. But in 2012, news reports said no students had asked to live there.”
Then perhaps they need to advertise UC in gun magazines and other publications to attract gun owners. With that said, the entire UC campus should be a Second Amendment Zone. Do they have one dorm for the First Amendment and another one for Political Correctness? I don’t think so. Still, I’m not complaining, one pro-gun dorm is better than no pro-gun dorm, so following progressive tactics, let us take an inch now and grab the mile later.