America is #1, but Mexico is learning from our mistakes.
In Tampico, Mexico they’re giving gasoline vouchers for arms. Think about that, the country with the toughest gun control laws, where even having one bullet can get you thrown in jail, is rewarding people with guns that are obviously illegal.
If you speak Spanish, you can learn more at:
So if you’re Mexican citizen, or legal alien, this is what being a gun owner in Mexico is really like:
“Buying from the government
There is only one legal gun store in the country; it’s at an army base in Mexico City. There you can legally buy a gun and get a 24 to 72 hour transport permit back to your home. You can buy two boxes of ammo with the gun. You will need a letter from the local police department attesting that you have no criminal record. You will also need your immigration document (or voter ID card if you are a citizen) and passport with copies, your CURP and proof of address. When you arrive at the army base you will not be allowed to enter with any electronic device – cell phone, computer, camera, etc.
Buying from a private person
You can buy from a private citizen, but you must register the gun at the nearest army post.
Registering a gun
You must fill out an application which you can get at any army base. In addition to the completed application, you will need your immigration document (or voter ID card if you are a citizen) and passport with copies, your CURP and proof of address. When you have all of this, you may then transport the weapon to the Army base for registration. The registration application is your permit to transport the gun to the base. The gun must be in a box or wrapped so that it is not visible. The approved application will serve as your carry permit on the way home. Thereafter, you must not take the gun out of the house without a special carry permit.
All this applies to law-abiding Mexicans, everyone else does whatever they want as usual. Yet this is what Bloomberg and Soros want for us, to make it so hard to own a gun that we won’t even bother.