Meet the Mexican Militia.

Mexico doesn’t have a 2nd Amendment, yet a well-regulated militia has appeared to defend themselves against the drug cartels.

TEPALCATEPEC, Mexico (AP) — For lime grower Hipolito Mora, it was time to organize and pick up arms when a packing company controlled by a brutal drug cartel refused to buy his fruit. For Bishop Miguel Patino Velazquez, it was seeing civilians forced to fight back with their own guns that made him speak out. For Leticia, a lime picker too afraid of retribution to give her last name, it was the day she saw a taxi driver kidnapped in front of his two young children that convinced her to join those taking the law into their own hands.


Eight months after locals formed self-defense groups, they say they are free of the cartel in six municipalities of the Tierra Caliente, or “Hot Land,” which earned its moniker for the scorching weather but whose name has also come to signify criminal activity. What’s more, the self-defense group leaders, who are clearly breaking Mexican law by picking up military-style arms to fight criminals, say the federal government is no longer arresting them, but recruiting them to help federal forces identify cartel members.

“Michoacan has all the characteristics of a failed state,” Patino, the bishop of Apatzingan, wrote last month in an unusually candid letter naming the Knights Templar and other cartels. “Municipal governments and police are in the service or colluding with criminals, and the rumor continues to grow that the state government is also in the service of organized crime.”

Ironic, isn’t it? In Sanford, Florida, the Sheriff tells people with concealed permits not to bring their guns when they participate in a Neighborhood Watch, but in Mexico, the government is ignoring the very laws that created the problem in the first place.

Of course, Mexico remains a collectivist State, with no respect for individual rights, so as soon as the militia is victorious against the cartels, the government will once again enforce the laws they now ignore.

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