Media fears SWAT Electric Machine Gun

Presenting the liberal bogeyman:


More dangerous: ’10 Worst Toys’ or dirt clods?


SWAT Electric Machine Gun – a replica of a real gun, this toy carries a caution on it that says, in part, “this product may be mistaken for an actual firearm by law enforcement officers…” W.A.T.C.H.’s stance on this one is that “in today’s world, there is no excuse for outfitting children with realistic toy weapons …”


10 toys to avoid this holiday season

The World Against Toys Causing Harm (W.A.T.C.H.) unveiled its 42nd annual list of nominees for the 10 Worst Toys of 2014 for this holiday season.

1. Air Storm Firetek Bow

2. Radio Flyer Ziggle (sold at Target, Toys R Us and

3. Catapencil (sold at, and Learning Express)

4. Alphabet Zoo Rock & Stack Pull Toy (sold at, Toys R Us and Magic Beans)

5. Swat Electric Machine Gun (sold at Kmart)

6. Wooden Instruments (sold at Walmart)

7. Bottle Rocket Party (sold at, and Village Toy Shop)

8. Lil’ Cutesies-Best Friends (sold at Kmart, Toys R Us and

9. True Legends Orcs Battle Hammer (sold at Toys R Us)

10. Colored Hedgehog (sold at Toys R Us)

If the kids don’t remove the orange tip, it won’t be confused as a real weapon. Or you can give them  this:But then again, I’m sure liberals fear that as well.

Ask Shia LaBeouf (Transformers) who was raped by a woman, I’m not making this up:

[She] whipped my legs for 10 minutes and then stripped my clothing and proceeded to rape me.


“My father [Jeffrey] was a gun nut like Hemingway. He was also a junkie and a bully, mainly to prove he wasn’t effeminate, even though he was a painter and a poet, a mime, and a storyteller.”

Sounds like daddy dearest forgot to take his son to the gun range. I’m not making fun of effeminate people, I’m just making a point that when you don’t teach your sons masculinity, they end up being raped by women.   So remember parents, share the 2nd Amendment or you’ll be deep in Shia. LOL



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