McCarthy’s Attacks Carrying a Gun as a Gateway Crime.

Are spoons the gateway to obesity? Is marijuana the gateway to crack? Are miniskirts the gateway to rape? Obviously not.

I guess that means that carrying matches is the gateway crime to starting forest fires.

Via CBS News:

Chicago police said they have seized more than 6,500 illegal guns this year. That’s 130 illegal weapons each week.

Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy says that’s more than any major city and he says if you can reduce weapons you will reduce crime.

“Carrying a loaded firearm is the gateway crime to committing a murder,” McCarthy said.



I’m speechless. Of all the stupid things anti-gunners say, this has to be top-5.



3 Responses to McCarthy’s Attacks Carrying a Gun as a Gateway Crime.

      • It was a common saying in Greece in the Classical Era. Some sources attribute it to Euripides, the dramatist, but the phrase can be found in none of his surviving works. Variations on the phrase were found in several of Sophocles’s plays, predating Euripides by about a generation.

        That specific formulation of it is lifted directly from Longfellow’s poem “The Masque of Pandora,” a poem in the form of a dialogue between Pandora and Epimetheus the Titan.

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