Race-baiter and gun-hater Mayor Nutter has joined an anti-gun coalition.
We told you yesterday that former PA Governor Tom Ridge was on the advisory board of Everytown for Gun Safety, a new group funded by former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg to enact gun restrictions at the state and national levels. Now Mayor Nutter has joined the effort, as well.
One of the lobby’s primary demands is universal background checks. Nutter contends it is not an organized grab for everyone’s guns.
“I respect the second amendment,” he said, “but I believe I have a first amendment right not be shot.”
Source: http://www.phillymag.com/news/2014/04/17/mayor-nutter-joins-anti-gun-coalition/
Are you kidding me?
You don’t have a First Amendment right not to get shot, stabbed, or punched in the face. The 1st Amendment protects SPEECH, the 2nd Amendment protects your ability to defend yourself from people that don’t like your speech or just seek to do you harm.
Of course, this isn’t the fist time Nutter misunderstands the constitution.
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) – A controversial article published in Philadelphia Magazine this month has the attention of the Nutter Administration.
The article, titled “Being White in Philly,” features a series of interviews with anonymous white residents from different areas of the city who share stories about their interaction with black residents.
Mayor Nutter calls the article’s tone “disgusting,” and he’s asked the Human Relations Commission to investigate some of the sensitive racial issues explored in the piece.
Nutter spokesman Mark McDonald says this is all about fact finding.
“I think he feels that there are enough problems in this article that it warrants a closer look,” McDonald explains.
Source: http://libertydwells.com/showthread.php?15960-Philly-Mayor-Nutter-is-really-a-nutter!-%28More-race-baiting-from-the-left-SURPRISE!%29
Sad, isn’t it? Here you have a Mayor investigating a journalist, who does he think he is? Kim Jong Il? Fidel Castro? How do people like him get elected? Really Philadelphia, are you that desperate?