Here’s a cool gun ad from Matt Rosendale,
Matt Rosendale Shoots Drone
It’s a brilliant ad, yet one reader disagrees:
Ever since the political ads have started to ramp up, I have been waiting for the gun advocates (of which I am one, within reason) to lambaste Matt Rosendale for his ignorant ad in which he shoots a high-powered rifle into the air to ostensibly kill a drone.
OK, his political message aside, he totally disregarded one of the basic rules of shooting. You never, I repeat, never shoot a high-powered rifle into the air because you do not know your backstop. The bullet can travel for miles. The same rule says you do not shoot at an animal that is on top of a ridge because you do not know your backstop. In short, you do not ever shoot a high-powered rifle at anything when you do not know your backstop.
All Rosendale accomplished with that ad was to show every young hunter in Montana what an idiot he is with a firearm. And he wants us to trust him with public office. I think not.
Danny Lee,
With all due respect, Mr. Lee, if you never shoot a high-powered rifle into the air how do you hunt ducks, pheasants, or any flying animals? Secondly, the backstop is important in areas full of civilians, not when you’re shooting in the middle of nowhere. Deep in the country some people practice by shooting trees.
Lastly, this is POLITICAL ADVERTISING, not a gun-safety video, and if you’re a real “gun advocate” why are you writing letters to the editor accusing fellow gun owners of being an “idiot with a firearm”?