Russians talk about the “devil’s grandmother,” but here in America it’s gun-hating mad mothers we have to watch.
Outgoing New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns on Thursday will announce that it is joining with Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, a year-old grassroots campaign launched the day after the Dec. 14, 2012, shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn.
The combined group will align Bloomberg’s deep pockets with the strong social network and media savvy the mothers’ group brings. The billionaire founder of Bloomberg News said last week that he’ll “devote extensive resources of my own” to the effort.
And why the partnership? Obvious, Moms Demand Action couldn’t raise enough money on their own while MAIG is bleeding mayors left and right.
It’s laughable when John Feinblatt, MAIG’s chairman, talks about the mother effers filling “the intensity gap” when it comes to grassroots rabble-rousing.
What a joke, these people have the intensity of a mosquito landing on top of a rhino. They’re window dressing, astroturf, they’re not a real movement but a front group, no different than those communist groups Stalin used to fund in America.
The mainstream media thinks “if they write it, they will believe it.” Perhaps that’s why their headline was: “High-profile gun control groups join forces.”
Yeah right, neither of these groups are high profile. I’m willing to bet that most people know what NRA stands than they do when you say MAIG or MDA.
In fact, I bet most of the ones that recognize the acronyms of anti-gunners are the patriots fighting for the Second Amendment.
So why give the enemy publicity? Why mention them at all? Because you can’t destroy what you can’t see.
We’re watching you MAIG and MDA, you will lose.