Maher wants Democrats to come out against the 2nd Amendment

Bill Maher said he quit smoking pot years ago, but somehow I don’t believe him:

Bill Maher is really no fan of the Second Amendment, and has frequently called out Democrats for not being stronger on guns. Tonight he confronted Democratic Congressman Keith Ellison on this very issue, asking, “Why doesn’t your party come out against the Second Amendment?”

You’re kidding, right? This is the party where “pro-gun” Democrats regret the pro-gun votes they’re “forced” to take before elections, and those are the “good” Democrats, the rest of them are openly hostile against the 2nd Amendment.

Maher argued that it’s not good enough for Democrats to be “Republican-lite,” they have to be different, especially on guns. Ellison talked about pushing for common-sense reform, but Maher interjected, “Common-sense gun safety is bullshit.” Ellison insisted that reform means no one gets to have “military-style assault weapons,” but Maher doubted that kind of reform would actually cut down on the guns used in most mass shootings.

Democrats are Communist-Lite, Socialist-Lite. It’s interesting that Maher admits tactical rifles are not the problem, yet I’m sure he has no trouble banning them anyway. Another thing Maher doesn’t realize is that in the real world, most people don’t get to have a TV show where they talk BS once a week, Democrats like Ellison know they can’t get rid of the 2nd Amendment today, so they pretend to be for it while working against it. What’s Ellison’s NRA rating? F? See Bill, he has already come out of the closet as a gun hater.

Simon Schama went off on the “irrational” rhetoric of the NRA that says pulling a trigger is the first line of defense. Maher pointed out that after Mitch McConnell held up a gun at CPAC, his Democratic opponent shot back… with a picture of herself holding a gun. Maher said it’s not good enough for Democrats to keep doing what they’re doing, they “have to be different.”

Don’t worry, Bill, the American people know you Democrats are different. We know good Republicans love guns and Democrats use them as props. I know people like Bill think the American people are stupid, but they’re not as stupid as he thinks.

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