Libertarians Furious with Anti-Gun Vote in South Carolina

I know sometimes Libertarians get a bad rap, the pro-illegal alien wing, Reason Magazine doing an entire issue dedicated to crime from the POV of police and prison abuse and not of what evil criminals do to the rest of us, the obsession with ending the fed, their bring the troop homes attitude, but  there’s more to libertarianism than that.

The Libertarian Party of South Carolina condemned (by name) seventeen State Senators who killed a bill that would have done away with permitting requirements for the carrying of concealed firearms.

According to a press statement issued by the party, “their justification is that this right has been infringed for 140 years and should be continued to be violated.”

The statement added that it was time South Carolinians stop electing lawmakers who “consider their opinions to be greater than the Constitution,” adding that “when the election comes and it’s time to vote realize that a Libertarian (candidate’s) first oath is to the Constitution not to party politics.”

Only four Senators – Lee Bright, Tom Corbin, Shane Martin and Katrina Shealy – voted to move the measure forward.

Seventeen Senators – Karl Allen, Sean Bennett, Creighton Coleman, Greg Gregory, Greg Hembree, Brad Hutto, Kevin Johnson, Marlon Kimpson, Gerald Malloy, Larry Martin, Shane Massey, Thomas McElveen, Luke Rankin, John Scott, Paul Thurmond, Ross Turner and Tom Young – voted to kill the bill.

Making the vote even more egregious? The South Carolina agency charged with processing concealed weapons permits – the S.C. State Law Enforcement Division (SLED) – has been violating state law by refusing to let lawful gun owners carry their weapons during delays caused by bureaucratic incompetence.




One Response to Libertarians Furious with Anti-Gun Vote in South Carolina

  1. When I read things like this about elected politicians I’m reminded of the saying from the movie Forest Gump; “Stupid is as stupid does”.

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