A letter I got today from a pro-gun writer.
Dear Gregory,
I have mixed feelings on this news about Hollywood Producer Vowing to Make an anti NRA movie. I’m torn between feeling repulsed that these out of touch Hollywood liberals would deliberately make a major movie attacking gun rights in general and the NRA in specific. However, at the same time I am strangely applauding their audacity to just finally come and admit that they don’t support the 2nd amendment whatsoever.
So should I be alarmed that there are plans to make an anti-gun major motion film, which will likely be Sandy-Hook incarnate, or should I finally be relived that the socialist Hollywood liberal are showing their true colors, thus allowing us to have an honest debate? Because quite frankly the issue of gun rights seems to always win in honest debates.
Pro 2nd Amendment Novelist,
Kenny HAM
I appreciate your letter, Mr. HAM, and while our side should be making a pro-NRA movie to answer Weinstein’s future anti-NRA movie (if he actually goes through with it), it remains to be seen what happened.
The good news is that movies have limited influence, millions of people saw Fahreinheit 911 and Bowling for Columbine, yet did Michael Moore managed to change America? The fact that liberals and some independents watch his movies means nothing. Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ was watched by far more people than Moore’s propaganda films, this has led to the production of more family-friendly and Christian films.
So you know what? Let Weinstein make his stupid movie, let every 2nd Amendment supporter laugh in his face, and let him lose millions of dollars on a movie 100 million gun owners don’t care to see.