Lawyer wants to repeal 2nd Amendment.

No, it’s not some kook from the University of Colorado but Texas A&M University Law Professor Mary Margaret Penrose, who wants to repeal the 2nd Amendment and turn it into a “State’s Rights” issue.

“I think I’m in agreement with you and, unfortunately, drastic times require drastic measures,” Penrose said. “. . . I think the Second Amendment is misunderstood and I think it’s time today, in our drastic measures, to repeal and replace that Second Amendment.”

Well, following that logic perhaps we should fight prison overcrowding with gladiator games, homelessness with Hunger Games, and hate speech with concentration camps. I’m kidding of course (although I do like gladiator games), yet Penrose is serious.

The beauty of a ‘states’ rights model’ solution, is it allows those of you who want to live in a state with strong restrictions to do so and those who want to live in a state with very loose restrictions to do so,” she said.


Hmmm, isn’t that the same argument used to justify slavery? Look lady, there are somethings that can’t be left to the States. Remember segregation? We got rid of it, didn’t we? If it’s in the constitution, then it’s not a State’s Right. Furthermore, if you want to live in a State with lots of restrictions, there’s New York, Massachusetts, California, Washington, and the District of Columbia among others.

“Why do we keep such an allegiance to a constitution that was driven by 18th Century concerns? How many of you recognize that the main concern of the 18th Century was a standing army? That’s what motivated the Second Amendment: fear of a standing army,” she said.


Gee, I don’t know. Because it works! Because it’s a brilliant constitution that has kept us free for more than 200 years, because our founding fathers had a vision for the future that went beyond the 18 century, because perhaps they envision that someday tyrants like you would come to destroy freedom?

Penrose, who described herself as “somewhat agnostic about guns but extremely passionate about the United States Constitution,” said she had expected her proposal to be very controversial.

The audacity of liberals, they trash the 2nd Amendment, insult our founding fathers, yet claim to be passionate about the constitution. Has Penrose been experimenting with marijuana? Perhaps we should start drug testing lawyers.



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