Lake of the Ozarks bans open carry

I guess 90 million gun owners don’t have families and don’t go to places like Lake Ozark, Missouri.

LAKE OZARK, Mo. (AP) - City leaders in a Lake of the Ozarks community have voted to ban open carrying of firearms to boost the area’s image as a family friendly tourist destination.

The Lake Ozark Board of Aldermen on Tuesday voted 4-2 to approve the ban, which still allows permit-holders to carry concealed weapons. The Lake Sun Leader reports the measure was initiated by Police Chief Mark Maples in response to concerns from residents and business owners.

Current Missouri law allows anyone of legal age to openly carry a firearm without a permit. A bill passed this year by the state Legislature would forbid municipalities from prohibiting people from openly carrying weapons if they also have a conceal-and-carry permit.

Opponents of the ordinance argued that it violates their Second Amendment rights.

“We’ve had a tough time over the years promoting Lake Ozark as a family area,” said Alderman Larry Buschjost, who voted for the ban. “We want you on the Strip with families, everywhere in Lake Ozark with families. We want you to bring your kids down here and let them loose. For the life of me, I don’t understand why I would have to carry any type of gun, concealed or otherwise. “

Audience member Gail Maeder was even more direct.

“Just because somebody felt scared is not a good enough reason to pass an ordinance that violates the Second Amendment,” she said.


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There are plenty of pro-gun places where I can go on vacation. So you know what, Lake Ozark? Screw You! If you ban guns, you ban gun owners. Open carry, concealed carry, it’s my business, not yours.

P.S. Most liberals don’t vacation in rural areas unless it’s Yosemite or some National Park that appeals to their big government interests. So good luck getting the Bloombergs to visit your crummy little lake.


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