LA Community Colleges Welcome School Shooters.

Attention psychos and criminals in California, are you in the mood for murder? Want to go off with a bang? Then good news for you! Gun massacres are now easier than shooting fish in a barrel.

“The Los Angeles Community College District’s nine campuses will be gun-free zones, according to a resolution passed this week by the Board of Trustees that bans weapons in almost all circumstances.

“It is our responsibility to provide a safe environment for our students, allowing them to feel secure and able to totally focus on their academic goals,” said board Vice President Scott Svonkin, who sponsored the resolution. “They must never be fearful about setting foot on one of our campuses.”


Absolutely Mr. Svonkin, I’m sure law-abiding criminals will follow your policies.

“The policy adopted at the board’s meeting Wednesday would allow weapons on campus only if carried by a sworn law enforcement officer or for use in a theatrical performance.”

Source: Idem

OK, then I’m starting the Second Amendment Theater Company! If you’re in LA, all you have to do is memorize one line, “The Right to Keep and Bear Arms shall not be infringed,” then keep your gun in your holster. If you’re ever discovered with a gun, just tell them you’re acting like James Madison.


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