This is good news:
A Senate committee approved a measure Tuesday that would allow Kentuckians with concealed-carry permits to bring guns into bars as long as they don’t drink alcohol.
The bill’s sponsor, Sen. John Schickel, R-Union, said it’s “model legislation” pushed nationally by the National Rifle Association. Schickel said Senate Bill 60 would protect a law-abiding gun owner “if he has to defend himself, God forbid” while he’s in a bar.
The Senate Committee on Licensing, Occupations and Administrative Regulations voted 9 to 0 for the bill and sent it to the full Senate.
House Speaker Greg Stumbo, D-Prestonsburg, chuckled Tuesday when asked about the bill and said the legislature deliberately included bars on the list of places where concealed guns may not be carried, along with police stations, public schools, airports and a few other places.
“The exclusions were very well thought out,” Stumbo said. “Bars were one of them, for obvious reasons.”
Greg Stumbo the Dumbo doesn’t realize that criminals don’t care about his stupid exclusions.