Kansas Paper Attacks Second Amendment Protection Act

Liberals are freaking out over “a state law that exempts firearms manufactured in Kansas from all federal regulations.” Here’s part of their editorial in LJ World


The law declares that Kansas-only guns are exempt from any federal regulations. So what, if any, regulations will those firearms be subject to? Will Kansas manufacturers now be allowed to make guns without serial numbers, making it difficult to trace any gun involved in a crime? Can they legally make guns that can elude mental detectors or other security devices? Can such guns be sold without the background checks required by federal law?

Eliminating federal regulations without setting any state regulations on Kansas-only guns poses a significant safety issue for Kansas residents. However, setting and enforcing a set of Kansas-only regulations likely would represent a new expense for state taxpayers.
source: http://www2.ljworld.com/news/2014/jul/21/editorial-gun-grandstanding/

Let’s break it down, if serial numbers help cops stop crimes why don’t we put them on knives or baseball bats? Better yet, what about the crooks who manage to erase the serial numbers?

The only people making guns that evade metal detectors are hobbyists making with 3-D printers making plastic guns, and those guns are in their infancy.

Can a gun be sold without a background check? Only on person to person sales.

The truth is this is a lot of hoopla over nothing, gun manufacturers are selling their weapons in most states, thus they are complying with federal laws. The Kansas law simply affirms the constitution principle that the federal government ONLY has the right to regulate interstate commerce. So technically, if Mr. Gun Maker isn’t selling across state lines, federal lines should not apply.

It’s pretty obvious that the Second Amendment Protection Act was intended more as a political protest than as a practical benefit for Kansans. Only time will tell how many tax dollars the state will spend to defend a law that has little chance of standing up to constitutional scrutiny.

Considering the federal overreach of the Obama administration, I doubt this law is just symbolic but future protection against future abuses, such as the next Fast and Furious.

Here’s one comment the stupid editorial got:


Fred Whitehead Jr. 34 minutes ago

This law has nothing to do with guns or Federal Law. It is our governor pandering to the sublime racial hatred that exists in many parts of the state against the black senator from Illinois who was elected President of the United States over a corrupt and unqualified white man with a well-known family association.

The use of the very term “Obamacare” in reference to the Affordable Care Act is one glaring example. A law to help all Americans get health insurance, something that the Republicans could never manage to accomplish is sticking in the craw of every GOP supporter and the fact that President Obama managed to get it done is something that there political wonks simply cannot stomach.

This stupid illegal gun law is merely another “in-your-face” attempt and is eventually going to make the state of Kansas a further laughing stock of the nation when it is thrown out by the courts.

This governor has clearly been bad for Kansas for many reasons, but this willingness to attempt to overthrow the authority of the Federal Government is so far out of whack that I think that every Kansas Republican that ever thought this would work should be impeached.

Dear gun-hater Fred, Obama himself has used the term Obamacare, so unless der fuhrer is a self-hating mulatto, I don’t think there’s anything racist about Obamacare, Romneycare or Hillarycare. I know you liberals can’t wait for the Klan to burn a few crosses, but sadly, the Klan mostly exists in your heads at this point. So you have to see racism everywhere, like the Woody Allen joke of how “how you doing” sounds like “how Jew doing?”

As for the law, I’ve never heard of an illegal gun law. A law can be constitutional, unconstitutional, stupid, wrong, but it’s certainly not illegal.

As for Kansas being a laughingstock, the average liberal can’t find Kansas on a map, places like Alabama, Tennessee, Kansas, Missouri, are flyover states for these people. Yet it is those places that feed America, it is those places that are growing as Americans continue to escape the blue states where life has become unbearable.

So what is Freddy doing in Kansas? He probably can’t get a job anywhere else.

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