Justice Stevens: Enemy of the Second Amendment and the Constitution

John Paul Stevens, the former Supreme Court Justice nominated by Gerald Ford (sometimes Republicans screw up), has a radical agenda:

Among the amendments Stevens suggests

•Changing the Second Amendment to make clear that only a state’s militia, not its citizens, has a constitutional right to bear arms.

•Changing the Eighth Amendment’s prohibition against “cruel and unusual punishments” by specifically including the death penalty.

•Removing from First Amendment protection any “reasonable limits” on campaign spending enacted by Congress or the states.

•Requiring that congressional and state legislative districts be “compact and composed of contiguous territory” to stop both parties from carving out safe seats.

•Eliminating states’ sovereign immunity from liability for violating the Constitution or an act of Congress, which he calls a “manifest injustice.”

•Allowing Congress to require states to perform federal duties in emergencies, in order to reduce “the risk of a national catastrophe.”
Source: http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2014/04/21/justice-stevens-supreme-court-constitution-book/7872695/

Stevens philosophy can be explained in one sentence:
All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.” 
Benito Mussolini, son of a communist and inventor of fascism.

I can already hear Steven’s apologists: “Greg, all you have to do is join the State Militia, then you’ll be able to keep and bear arms.”

The devil lies in the details. We know not everyone is going to be eligible for the militia, even if you were eligible, your weapons would probably be kept locked up in the armory.  Furthermore, the militia would no longer be independent but a slave of the State, a servant instead of a protector. Would you want to join the state militia if it meant shooting your fellow citizens? There are German soldiers that didn’t join the SS, that should tell you something.

Furthermore, the idea that an organization has rights while an individual does not goes against the foundations of America. It’s the equivalent of the Catholic Church having rights but individual Catholics not having rights. This is what Stevens wants for our 2nd Amendment, and as we see on his dirty list, he’s not a friend of the 1st amendment either.

If campaign spending is not protected by the first amendment, then only liberal journalists would be free to speak while the rest of us are censored. Elections are won with political advertising, individuals raise money and donate it to the causes that fit with them. Without campaign spending, we’re basically censored.

Remember when Obama said “we’re not blue states or red states, but the United States,” this is the meaning of that remark:

Eliminating states’ sovereign immunity from liability for violating the Constitution or an act of Congress, which he calls a “manifest injustice.”

I highlighted those words on purpose, because an act of Congress can be anything. What if the act of congress bans handguns? Then we’re screwed, you can leave New York if you don’t like their laws, but can you leave America? Do you have enough money to make it in another country? Most people don’t.

Steven’s dream is America’s nightmare, I can only hope his rantings are ignored and he fades into the obscurity he deserves. I urge my conservative and libertarian friends to respect ideas before titles, if a man has bad ideas I don’t care if he’s Pope, Priest, President, Supreme Court Justice, or General. Bad ideas must be denounced, they must be hated.

Stevens hates America, his actions prove it. That is my opinion, I do not trash him out of malice, but out of love for the America of our founding fathers. That America is worth fighting for, and while Stevens enjoys the right to express himself, so do we, thus we must condemn him for his betrayal of the Constitution and the values of our country.


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