John Stone Fires A Cannon in Republican Ad


I like Republican ads with guns, as Mediaite reported, “Republican ads…have used guns to shoot Obamacare or shoot down a drone to make a point about how tough they’ll fight.”

John Stone’s ad features him firing a cannon. You can watch it here.

Why does he have the cannon? Because one of Stone’s ancestors used a cannon against the British to protect the country, and if he’s elected to Congress, “I’m willing to do the same if we have to.” (Let’s assume he just meant that metaphorically…)

Stone also touts himself as “the only licensed firearms dealer in America running for Congress” and wants a “Republican revolution” to unite the establishment and the conservative base.

Well, John is running in Georgia. So sorry Mediaite, I guess he won’t be blowing kisses, singing kumbaya, attacking the rich, or declaring himself an Indian like Elizabeth Warren. That’s why he’s proudly pro-gun:

Defending the 2nd Amendment

George Mason said “To disarm the people [is] the best and most effective way to enslave them.” We need to elect members of Congress who are willing to start introducing aggressive legislation in support of gun rights or our 2nd Amendment Right to keep and bear arms will be gradually eroded into non-existence.

I wish Mr. Stone the best during his campaign. We desperately need real Americans like him.



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