Jack Burton on the Saatchi “Gun Safety” Ad

Sometimes the comments are better than the stories, this is what I should have written after watching the “Gun Safety” commercial. 

jack burton

Approximately 80 MILLION gun owners in America.

If only TEN PERCENT of the gun owners are dumbasses then that would mean that there would be at least 8 MILLION gun deaths a year from one gun owner illegally shooting another innocent person.

Is there? Of course not.

If only ONE PERCENT of the gun owners are dumbasses then that would mean that there would be at least 800,000 gun deaths a year from one gun owner illegally shooting another innocent person.

Is there? Of course not.

If only ONE TENTH OF ONE PERCENT of the gun owners are dumbasses then that would mean that there would be at least 80,000 gun deaths a year from one gun owner illegally shooting another innocent person.

Is there? Of course not.

And if only ONE ONE HUNDREDTH OF ONE PERCENT of the gun owners are dumbasses then that would mean that there would be at least 8,000 gun deaths a year from one gun owner illegally shooting another innocent person.

And that’s about the right number.

So you think that because 0.001 percent of gun users are dumbasses the other 99.999 percent should be subjected to your insults also?

This is one of the reasons why there will never be a “middle ground.” The anti-gun folk will never, ever, not once, acknowledge that the problems caused by people with guns are the tiniest fraction possible of the actual gun owners. They want to tar everyone with the same brush.
Source: http://www.mediabistro.com/agencyspy/evolve-asks-gun-owners-not-to-be-dumbasses_b60991

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