10 Percent of Guns Bought in Virginia Can Actually Be Found in DC
It should come as no surprise that Virginia has rather lax laws when it comes to buying guns. To purchase a firearm in Virginia one only needs to be at least 18-years-old and have proof of citizenship. There is no license or registration required, open carrying of weapons are allowed, and both assault weapons and high capacity magazines can be purchased. But, according to a study conducted by Pro Publica, the ease of purchasing a gun in Virginia has made it one of the largest states for gun exports across the country.
Source: http://inthecapital.streetwise.co/2014/06/07/10-percent-of-guns-bought-in-virginia-can-actually-be-found-in-dc/
It comes as a huge surprise that all those criminals are violating laws in DC. Seriously though, Vermont has even less gun laws than Virginia, so how come New Englanad isn’t being flooded with guns from Vermont? Are the criminals afraid of cold weather? And what does “open carry” have to do with gun crime in DC. I can open carry in Tennessee, but I know I can’t open carry in Georgia. As a law-abiding person, I don’t intend to open carry in Georgia and see if that’s OK.
According to the study, of the 155,000 guns recovered by officials in 2012, a third were traced back to states other than the ones they were found in. 6,617 guns were traced back to Virginia, 38 percent of which were found in other states. The top five locations Virginia’s guns were found were Maryland, New York, North Carolina, New Jersey and Washington D.C., which is the home of over 10 percent of the recovered guns from Virginia.
While unsettling, this again shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise. Washington D.C., despite sharing a boarder with Virginia, has some of the nation’s strictest gun laws. Individuals wishing to purchase a gun in the District need to have a license and register their weapon. There is a ban on the open carrying of weapons, as well as an assault weapon ban and limit on magazine capacity to 10 rounds.
And yet DC has so much crime that even the liberals prefer to live in Virginia, Maryland, etc.
Democratic Governor Terry McAuliffe has been attempting to turn back Virginia’s casual gun laws since taking office. In March he vetoed a bill that would have allowed Virginians to carry guns unlocked in the glove box or center console of their cars. The Republican dominated state legislature however, has thwarted further Democratic attempts put gun controls in place. Earlier in January the House of Delegates voted down a proposed bill that would have banned high capacity magazines, and require background checks for private gun sales.
Source: http://inthecapital.streetwise.co/2014/06/07/10-percent-of-guns-bought-in-virginia-can-actually-be-found-in-dc/
Right, and he won because too many liberals have moved to Virginia and we had a Libertarian candidate stealing votes from both parties. I certainly hope McAuliffe fails in all his endeavors, my NRA is located in Alexandria and it would suck if VA became a Constitution-Free Zone like DC.