I guess you can put lipstick on a pig. LOL
Isn’t it wonderful when our enemies call it quits?
A Democratic, pro-gun control state senator who faced a potential recall in Colorado abruptly resigned Wednesday, less than a week before the recall petition was due.
Sen. Evie Hudak’s surprise resignation means a Democratic committee can appoint a new state senator in her place. Had she stayed in office and possibly faced a recall election, she would have gone up against a Republican, thus risking the Democrats’ slim one-seat majority in the state Senate.
Source: http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2013/11/27/pro-gun-control-state-lawmaker-resigns-before-recall-deadline/
Here’s why I’m happy, I doubt the next senator that gets appointed will be as radical as Hudak. There’s two types of Democrats, those who listen to the people, those who listen to ideology. Hudak was a true believer, cut from the same Marxist cloth of Obama, she had to go.
Ol’ Yeller
“….to a rape survivor who said she wished she had been able to use her concealed-carry permit to protect herself.”
Anybody know the story on this? How was she unable to use her concealed carry permit to protect herself? Did she have her concealed carry permit, but just didn’t have her gun at the time (if so, how is this anyone’s fault but her own)? How are these new gun regulations going to affect anyone’s ability to protect themselves? I got news for you folks…. if you cannot hit your target or scare your assailant away with 15 shots, then you really don’t need to be carrying a gun around.
In fact, you should only be able to look at a gun in the presence of an adult and under no circumstances should you be allowed to touch one.
I have news for you, Old Yeller, there might be more than one attacker, the attackers might be wearing bullet proof vests, perhaps they’re high on crack and resistant to pain. Why is it any business of yours how many rounds are in my magazine? Poor Hudak, perhaps she was listening to anti-gun nuts like you instead of the people.
Beware Democrats, at the end of the day, we’re the ones that have the power. MSNBC, Bloomberg, Soros, your liberal friends, they are a minority. So don’t f-ck with us or you’ll find yourself quitting like Hudak.