How to Promote your Gun Range for Less

If you build it, they won’t come. That’s the reality of being a business owner whether it’s a restaurant, gun range, hair salon, etc. Word-of-mouth is great, but first people must know you exist, so let’s start with a few advertising/marketing ideas, from cheap to expensive.

1. Buy a quality website with a blog: Google loves blog, especially if content is changing often. If you want people to find Joe’s Gun Range on googel (and they are searching there), the blog can help. It also allows you to present a pro-gun voice to the community beyond the website. Be prepared to spend $500 to $1,000 for a good quality blog/website. Yes, you can do a free website, but unless you’re a web designer, chances are it’s going to look bad. Besides, do you really want to be a .wix or .wordpress?

2. Get a Facebook page: People don’t always leave comments on your blog, but they’ll do it on Facebook. Growing your Facebook fans helps you spread the word, let them know your latest products, do polls to see what they want. Just remember, don’t try to be selling all the time. Share jokes, share funny videos, share new stories from other websites, be interesting and they’ll keep coming back.

3. Spend $5 a day on Facebook Ads

Facebook ads are cheaper than Google (although if Google ever sends you $50 advertising credit, use it). You can direct them to your Facebook Page or your website, you can interact with the people looking at your ads. You can Like comments, respond questions, even delete the haters if you wish. You can do several ads under one campaign, target only men, target only women, choose an age range, etc.

4. Write a press release and email the Business Editor/journalist of your local newspaper. If you don’t know how to write a PR, hire someone on Fiverr to do it for you. It’s just $5, and it’s a lot easier to fix something than to start something. You could submit your press releases to PRWeb, but they charge money for it, thus e-mailing it to the editor and some reporters might help you get noticed, even get an interview.

5. Consider joining the Chamber of Commerce: Some businesses are better suited for the chamber, accountants, lawyers, restaurants, yet it’s rare to find a gun range. The good thing of networking at Chamber events is that you meet people with money, key decision makers who can afford to buy your best guns,  VIP memberships, and other goods you offer.


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