How long will the GOP tolerate Colin Powell?

We know Colin Powell is a compromiser when it comes to guns.

Powell added that he is a gun owner and reaffirmed his belief in the Second Amendment, but noted that the “responsibility under the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to protect our people” should be reason enough to “find some meeting of the minds” on the issue. Powell suggested implementing more comprehensive background checks, which is reportedly a top priority among Biden’s pending proposals.

We know he supports something worse than Obamacare

“I think universal healthcare is one of the things we should really be focused on, and I hope that will happen,” Powell

The man calls himself a moderate, “but I’m still a Republican, and until I voted for Obama twice, I voted for seven straight Republican presidents.”

And once again he has called the Republican Party racist: ““There are certain elements within the party which go out of their way to demonize people who don’t look like the way they’d like them to look like, or came from some other place. And I think the party has to deal with this. And the party says we’re doing it — they came out of last year’s election with a lot of ideas about how they were going to make themselves a little more acceptable. And yet you see things happening — you see members ot the party at the senior level make statements about women, make statements about minorities — that once again make the party look less tolerant than it should be.”

How insulting, without the Republican Party you’d still be a slave, without the GOP there would still be segregation. We’re the party that embraced you for your military service, not the color of your skin, and now you turn against us? We’re the party that treated you like an individual, and now you call us racist?

Leave, Powell! Go back to your slavemasters, the Democrats. The GOP is for free men, if you want government chains around your neck, let Obama make you his bitch.

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