How Liberals Invent Racism.

Everyone has been talking about the so-called “study” that paints gun owners as racist, white gun owners in particular because as we know, black people can’t be racist.

So how do liberals judge who is racist?

“Well, you are apparently “racist” if you don’t agree that the legacy of slavery still has a great impact on how blacks are faring today. After all, slavery was abolished 158 years ago.”

That’s it, so apparently if your ancestors suffered 158 years ago, I should feel sorry for you.  I can’t imagine a bad Irish cop justifying his behavior over the Irish Potato Famine. Yet it’s White liberals and Black race-baiters that create these myths. Jews make movies about the holocaust, but you won’t see the using that as an excuse to fail. It’s quite the opposite. bad experiences are supposed to make you stronger, not weaker. Today we hear terms like “symbolic racism” because crying racism is a lucrative business. Al Sharpton and Jessee Jackson would be dirt poor if it wasn’t for “racism,” and since the KKK isn’t active enough, they need to find a Klansman under every corner.

“The authors focus on people who are racist being the ones who are more likely to buy guns, but they also speculate: “simply owning a firearm may lead whites to develop more negative attitudes towards blacks. There is some experimental research showing that participants who have recently held a firearm produce enhanced salivary testosterone levels and display increased aggression toward others.”

Really? Because my negative attitudes aren’t towards Blacks, gays, Hispanics, or Asian. My negative attitudes are towards liberals, progressives, socialists, communists and fascists. I love Herman Cain, I hate Hillary Clinton. If I were a racist, I would have to make excuses for Hillary, “yeah, she’s a liberal bitch but at least she’s white.”

Of course, Visconti, self-hating white and Diversity Nazi,  disagrees:

“The legacy of slavery has benefited every white person in this country–directly and personally. In a very gross analogy, if you run a series of foot races over 300 years but prevent 13 percent of the participants from learning how to run for 180 years and then give them concrete sneakers for another 80 years–but allow them full access for 40 years, it will take the 13 percent quite a few races to be competitive because the other 87 percent advanced their skills by practice and repetition.

Life is not a foot race, but it is a fact that the average white person would not economically benefit from switching places with an average black person (black households average one-tenth the household wealth of white households). If you believe all people are created equal, there has to be a reason for this–and there is: racism.”

Really? So would a white person who lives in a trailer park not benefit switching with Oprah, Michael Jordan, the founder of FUBU, Valerie Jarret, etc?

You know, I’ve never accused a Black person of “acting White” for getting good grades, it’s his hommies in the ghetto who tell them that. I am however, disgusted by those who use “White” as a negative. When DeBlasio’s mulatto son does a commercial describing his father as “a boring white guy,” that pisses me off.

I’m not against interracial marriage, if DeBlasio’s got Jungle Fever (thanks Spike Lee for giving me that term), that’s his business. I have Caucasian Fever, I like white butts and I cannot lie. And no, that doesn’t make me racist anymore than the white guy who thinks blondes are ugly.  So don’t tell me that we gun owners are racist when we’re the ones fighting for the rights of all law-abiding people, including blacks, to keep and bear arms.

In the end, I accept race, you can’t choose your race, but you can choose your political orientation.

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