Hornady pays bonuses on $2 bills


According to Omaha.com,

“We gave out $48,000 worth of $2 bills and asked our employees to spend that money in town, and if people look at you funny, tell them where you work, and we think that they will notice,” Hornady said. “This year it is going to be $61,000 worth of $2 bills.”

Hornady said the pay envelope with the $2 bills is just part of their bonus pay.

“They also receive a nice check and a deposit into their 401(k)s,” he said. “But we ask them with the $2 bills to go spend it around town and make sure people know that we as a family, meaning the whole employer/employee base, support Grand Island and we spend money here.”

He said the bonuses amount to about 40 percent of the employees’ regular pay.

Source: http://gunssavelives.net/gun-industry/hornady-pays-out-61000-of-employee-bonuses-in-2-bills/

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