Taxi-driver Patrick Foster was shot 5 times and was able to call the police and hold his attacker until the cops came.
“Had Patrick Foster not held that man down, the guy might have gotten away with it,” Davis said Saturday. “It made me real conscious. Most of us can’t survive five gun shots. Most of us can’t survive one.”
Foster died of complications from the gunshot wounds to his neck, back and jaw on May 24, 2010 at Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital in Milwaukee.
Now they want to honor him with a sticker:
Waukegan taxi driver Joe Davis is heading up a drive to create a decal or sticker honoring Foster to be displayed on taxis as a reminder of his actions and the dangers inherent to the job.
Why not honor him by giving others their 2nd Amendment rights? Being a cab driver is a dangerous profession just like being a cop, but cops are allowed to carry guns, so why not cabbies?
Davis said that while most cabs are equipped with an emergency call button to their dispatchers, it is of little help if you are about to be shot. Calling 911 is also a tall order when you are being held at gun- or knife-point.
He said the best solution would be real-time video systems in cabs that would allow dispatchers to see when such a situation develops. Many taxis are equipped with cameras, sometimes funded by the drivers themselves, but real-time video could turn them into life-savers, he said.
Great, so now your relatives will have a movie of you, Death of a Cabbie. What a joke, the solution isn’t Orwellian tactics.
According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the homicide rate for cab drivers averaged between nine and 19 per 100,000 between 1998 and 2007. The combined rate for all other occupations was less than one murder per 100,000 workers.
“In other words, the taxi driver homicide rate is 21 to 37 times higher,” Davis said.
Yeah, and instead of empowering the cabbies with guns, we’re juts gonna remind criminals that cabbies are easy-pickings.
Nice going, Davis, why don’t you stick that sticker up your ass? Because that’s the worth of meaningless gestures. You want to honor Patrick Foster, you get yourself a gun and encourage others to do the same.
Gun Rights for Cabbies and everyone else!
My name is Joe Davis. Im the driver heading up the drive. I read your article and comments. I couldn’t agree more that the Right to bear arms has been watered down and trampled on. My purpose for the drive was to get the local taxi regulators and or taxi company’s to take a real look at the absence of safety. I am looking to create a non profit organization to put vehicle cameras in the hands of independent taxi drivers who have been victims of robbery or assault in the past. 2nd ammendment rights will not be resolved fast enough for me to focus on gun laws. So I am focusing on prevention. A real time camera can detour an assault or robbery. Given its not going to100% of the time but neither will a gun. The sticker is as a memorial and a push for these kinds of real time cameras. It’s a start not a solution. Illinois has just past a conceal carry law though it is very tough unlike places such as Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. So I’m going to stick the stickers where they were originally planned to be and hopefully gun right activists can get laws changed so business owners have 100% right to possess a fire arm in their place business for protection no exclusions.