Harry Reid wants more gun control because: “‘Shooting of the week,’ is what we have now.” Yet what people don’t realize
…is that the minimum figure for DGUs [defense gun uses] is about 760,000 a year (see John R. Lott’s, More Guns, Less Crime). These figures are compiled from polls by the LA Times, Gallup, and Peter Hart Research Associates. And if you divide 760,000 by the 52 weeks of a year, it works out to about 14,615 DGUs a week–slightly more than 2,082 a day.
Here’s the kicker–according to some of the polls Lott compiled in his work, annual DGUs could top three million.
Lott adds: “Even if these estimates are wrong by a very large factor, they still suggest that defensive gun use is very common.”
Source: http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/11/07/Firearms-Are-Lifesavers
There are people who see a gun crime, and automatically think “we have too many guns” or “somebody ought to pass a law.” Yet they don’t do the same with car accidents, most Americans aren’t “speed kills” freaks that want to lower the speed limit to save lives. I have often joked that I would rather die than be stuck in traffic, and while I rarely get a speeding ticket, I rarely follow the speed limit (aka”speed suggestion”).
Yet with guns, limiting them or the places where you can carry, would result in more lives lost, not less. That’s why every time Chattanooga Times Free Press reports on a negative gun story, I copy and paste a positive gun story (self-defense use) on their Facebook page or FB comment section.
Social media allows us to be loud, unlike letters to the editor, it can take awhile for the social media editor to delete a comment, assuming he does.