Gun Violence = Gun Confiscation

Liberals are such hypocrites, consider their editorial in the Santa Fe New Mexican: Gun violence: New ways to fight it

Much of the debate about gun violence in the United States is conducted at a roar. Both sides talk past each other, with little opportunity for solutions that truly could reduce the shocking number of deaths and injuries because of America’s gun addiction.

America’s gun addiction? Gee, I haven’t shot my guns in two months, so how the heck am I addicted? But don’t worry, the liberals have some “solutions.”

Next week, a discussion at The University of New Mexico offers a chance to look for solutions based on evidence rather than emotion.

The panel discussion, “Refocusing Firearm Policies Away from Mental Illness & Towards Stronger Indicators of Risk of Harm,” takes place from 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday at UNM’s Health Sciences Center, Domenici Auditorium.

That sounds like a fair and balanced discussion, right? They’re already saying mental illness doesn’t matter, it’s gun banning that matters, and here’s the proof:

Recommendations include strengthening current state law to temporarily prohibit individuals from purchasing or possessing firearms after any short-term involuntary hospitalization; clarifying and improving how firearms rights are restored; restricting the purchase and possession of firearms by individuals found guilty of engaging in criminal offenses shown to be significant risk factors for future violence; and creating a system to authorize police and deputies to remove firearms when they identify someone who poses an immediate threat of harm to self or others.

I see, in other words, get rid of the fourth amendment, the fifth amendment, and the 2nd amendment. Turn America into Nazi Germany or Stalinist Russia, take your pick, and just have people deprived of their guns over hearsay.

Due process for individuals whose guns might be removed is included in the list of recommendations, with hearings to come quickly on the heels of a swift removal.

Taken as a whole, it’s a strong list of recommendations to move the conversation along to find solutions rather than screaming.

Will you be paying for the legal fees of the people deprived of their firearms? I don’t think so. So it’s a win-win for liberals, they know the poor can’t afford to hire an attorney if their gun are confiscated, and the wonder why we scream.

Gun violence is a public health issue. It only makes sense to look for evidence-based solutions and ways to help at-risk individuals keep themselves and others safe.

No it’s not, gun violence is a lifestyle choice of criminals and people who commit suicide. Public health in the traditional sense refers only to epidemics that require quarantines, things that affect the public at large. If my neighbor is fat, that doesn’t affect me. If my neighbor kills everyone in his family with a knife, nobody will say that knife violence is a public health issue.


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