Gun Safety Ad from Saatchi & Saatchi

There’s an new gun safety ad making the rounds…

It was created by a liberal advertising agency without any gun accounts. As their website states:

“NEW YORK, Feb. 18, 2014 / — Evolve, the gun responsibility organization, today launched its first ad campaign encouraging individuals to take personal responsibility for gun safety. Evolve aims to become the “third voice” in the American gun debate, a conversation that has been gridlocked for decades.   Created pro bono by Saatchi & Saatchi New York, the creative work uses humor and satire to encourage responsible use and storage of guns.”

“Third way” means “liberals who don’t want to call themselves liberal.”

“Safety is not a side.  Gun owners and non-gun owners live with guns in this country, and we should all be able to have a collaborative conversation about how to think about gun safety,” says Rebecca Bond, Co-Founder of Evolve.  “Humor can be a gateway to taking away the defensiveness that is the legacy of these discussions.  We hope to put this conversation on the kitchen table and start talking about it.”

Right, and tomorrow you’ll be telling us that part of that conversation involves banning “assault weapons,” limits on magazine capacity, gun registration, background checks. Come on, Evolve, you think you’re fooling us? We’ve been dealing with people like you for decades.

Evolve Co-Founder Jon Bonds adds: “We want the ‘Dumbass’ concept to catch on in popular culture the way ‘friends don’t let friends drive drunk’ did for safe driving.”

“When we researched the gun debate in America, we saw that it’s become almost impossible to have a thoughtful discussion about gun safety,” said Claudine Cheever, Chief Strategy Officer at Saatchi & Saatchi New York. “What I love about Evolve is that they’re not about taking a side in that debate – they’re squarely focused on promoting personal decisions about gun safety. We believe the work will make people laugh and think.”

The call to action is for American gun owners to sign the Code of Gun Responsibility. And for more info please visit

Let me give you some tips about gun owners, we support those who support us. We already practice gun safety, we know gun safety, what we need is people that support pro-gun laws, Constitutional Carry, conceal carry, carry in college, etc.

Are you gonna do an ad showing a woman shooting a rapist? Will you do an ad showing a father defending his family from burglars? Will you encourage anyone to buy a gun? Because if you don’t, you’re not really with us.

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