Gun Registration for Chicago Cops

This story appeared first on another website:

We like Chicago cops in general, but wouldn’t urinate on the CAGE unit Chicago coppers if they were on fire.

The irony in recent days is rich as the Chicago Police Department has ordered all Chicago cops to register their guns – both department-issued guns and their personal guns.

Yes, the guys who were responsible for enforcing Chicago’s nuisance gun laws all these years are now the only people in IL required to register their guns.

We wrote about this back in August, and it seems as though Chicago’s city government has decided to press forward with this limited registration scheme, according to Second City Cop.

There is (or soon will be) not a single person in the State of Illinois who has to register a firearm anymore.Unless you’re a Chicago Police Officer.

  • H. Sworn members will register all duty and nonduty firearms with the Department.

Once again, we now have less rights than the other citizens of Chicago, Cook County, Illinois. We’ve been warning guys and gals for years now that something like this was on the horizon. That once Concealed Carry passed, without the support of the FOP, that we as officers would regret it for not supporting something that a majority of the citizens wanted and that the courts were going to grant. In fact, the disgraced ex-president of the FOP publicly berated the blog for daring to support citizen Rights.


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