Gun laws don’t apply to football players

Attention criminals, if you’re going to commit crimes, make sure you play professional football:

A judge in Santa Clara County Superior Court in San Jose on Friday sentenced San Francisco 49ers player Aldon Smith to 11 days in a work program for his conviction on three assault weapons charges reduced to misdemeanors and two DUI charges.

Judge Daniel Nishigaya sentenced the 24-year-old Smith to 11 days in the sheriff’s office work program in lieu of jail time, three years of probation, 235 hours of community service and about $3,000 in fines.


Smith decided not to contest charges he possessed three assault rifles, a .308 caliber Armalite AR10-T, Bushmaster ARC for 5.56mm bullets and a .223 caliber Bushmaster Carbon-15 in his rented home in an unincorporated area outside of San Jose in 2012, prosecutors said.

In the DUI case, Smith was arrested last Sept. 20 on suspicion of DUI and marijuana possession after he drove his car into the front lawn of a suburban home in San Jose and crashed his car into a tree.

Smith, who was no injured, was released after posting bail. Prosecutors did not filed charges related to the marijuana.


In 2012, sheriff’s deputies seized Smith’s three rifles — which Smith bought in 2011 in Arizona, but are illegal in California — as part of an investigation into an unruly party at his home where gang members showed up and two guests were shot and wounded.

Deputies also recovered large-capacity magazines of bullets on the floor of Smith’s bedroom and other live and expended bullets of various calibers in his bedside table.

During the 2012 party, someone fired a shot into Smith’s garage and then Smith himself fired two shots from a .45 caliber handgun into the air to disperse the crowd of hundreds of people outside.



Now don’t take me wrong, of course I think most of California gun laws are unconstitutional, but that’s not the point, the issue is that if Aldon had been a common street thug, he would have gotten more than 11 days in jail.

Us regular gun owners live in fear of the gun laws, we study them, we understand them, because we know an overzealous prosecutor can come down hard on us if given the opportunity.

3 Responses to Gun laws don’t apply to football players

  1. Gun control only applies to ordinary people, never to the elite or rich. Just look at the weapons that Bloomberg/Watts have in their security details.

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