The owner of the claims “I don’t want to dialog with those who want to use insurance as a surrogate for banning guns or those who will not consider any restriction of them,” so I’m not surprised he wrote this: Source:
Q: How should we do insurance for Carry Permit Holders. Persons with carry permits already are registered with their states, so requiring insurance for them does not create a privacy problem. They present special dangers to the public that are more widespread than guns for defense in the home or for sporting uses. States can require insurance in that case with no more difficulty than for many other activities now insured. Source:
Excuse me? Do you have any statistics to back that up? Because I do, and it’s been proven that gun owners with a concealed carry license are far less dangerous than the general population. In fact, Concealed Carry Permit Holders are One Third as Likely to Commit Murder as Police Officers. In Texas for example, “The average male Texan who is 21 years or older is 7.9 times more likely to be arrested for the violent crimes of murder, rape, robbery, and assault than the average male CHL holder. The average male Texan who is 21 years or older is 20 times more likely to be arrested for committing a non-violent crime than the average male CHL holder.” Source: So maybe we’re not the ones that need to buy gun insurance.
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