Guns are as popular in the culture as they are in the range, yet liberals can’t stand it, that’s why the “artist” of “wear it, don’t bear it” got featured by The Huffington Post.
“I’d never designed jewelry before. I’m a history major. I’d never done anything creative like that.” she says, “But after Newtown, there was a strong revulsion I felt towards guns glamorized in fashion… In the fashion and art world, guns are pervasive as symbols of power, status and a kind of edginess. But to what end is pretty ambiguous. The idea of Wear It, Don’t Bear It was to steer [the use of gun imagery] in a more positive direction.”
Sorry Milstein, but your art sucks. I prefer this beautiful AK-47 dress below:
Or what about Rihana’s gun earrings made of gold?
Not bad. Yet you say:
“Psychologically, we’re so drawn to these symbols of aggression,” Milstein says. “Girls in pictures pose like Charlie’s Angels. Andy Warhol made his gun poster, and that’s still part of culture now. In order to define what’s acceptable, we have to set boundaries. Set up parameters and say ‘Okay, there’s really a trend here, but let’s focus it and make a statement.’ My statement is not anti-rights. To the same extent one has the right to wear whatever want, one has the right to buy a gun — but both need to be done with an understanding of what it means; with a recognition of that responsibility.”
No, what we’re drawn to are symbols of POWER and self-reliance. We love Charlie’s Angels not just because they’re pretty, but because they kick ass. Yesterday I was watching Gravity and got pissed that the female astronaut was a whinny bitch. She tells the male astronaut that she’s going to save him, and what does she do after entering the space ship? She takes of her astronaut suit and floats around, not moving, like there’s nothing better to do. Then she’s in the Russian capsule, faces a mechanical problem, and what does she do? She gives up until experiencing an hallucination were the male astronaut is cool as a cucumber, finds the vodka, and tells her how to start the ship.
Maybe if Milstein would show up to the gun range and shoot a few rounds, she’d realize guns aren’t bad at all.
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