Lib Photographer Explores “Gun-Fashion.”


“Nina Berman from San Antonio: Gun Rally Fashion Then and Now” is an interesting collection of photographs from gun owners from the 1990s til today.  As she puts it:
I photographed NRA gun activists and militia members in the 1990’s.  Much of the conversation around gun rights today originated back then in the debate over the Brady Bill, which was passed in 1993 and required background checks for some gun purchases.  Like today, gun owners then labeled gun control advocates as socialists and communists who wanted to disarm America.  The UN was poised to invade.  Black helicopters were everywhere.  Bill and Hillary Clinton were the anti-Christ and Waco and Ruby Ridge became modern day Alamos.”
Well, you’re right, gun control advocates are socialists, communists, Nazis, liberals, progressives, evil, freedom-haters and collectivists of the worst kind. Who’s hates you the most? The man that disarms you. Why does he disarms you? Because he wants you to be weak, doesn’t even respect you or respect himself.
People who respect themselves respect your rights. I’m afraid of the Klan and the Black Panthers, but I don’t disarm them, why? Because I have principles. You don’t fight fascism, Statism, and socialism by using their tactics. Only a liberal would claim that he cannot tolerate intolerance. I can, I can tolerate intolerance as long as it doesn’t affect me directly. What I will not tolerate is getting murdered because some liberal didn’t want me having a gun.
The liberal photographer writes:
I saw a whole new generation of gun owners who wore their weapons like Madison Avenue socialites wear their Hermes


My gun is a lot cheaper than a Hermes bag, and a lot more useful to.  You don’t fight crime by striking a pose or looking fabulous. Berman writes that when she thinks about guns, she thinks about a bunch of unnecessary violence.  Ironic, when I think about unnecessary violence, I think about all those people that didn’t have a gun. I think about the Central Park Jogger, brutally raped by a bunch of animals. Everything I search “gun” on Google, I get two kinds of stories, armed people who defended themselves, unarmed people who became victims.


Berman is a good photographer, but someday she might find that while you can make a living with a camera, it takes a gun to protect your life.




6 Responses to Lib Photographer Explores “Gun-Fashion.”

  1. To be fair, sometimes cameras protect your life too (when people committing crimes with witnesses present is too risky).

  2. Greg
    I appreciate your comments. As I stated in the text, I recognize there is a disconnect between how I think of a gun and how gun advocates think of a gun. I’m not sure that makes me a “lib” though. I also don’t feel like I am trying to disarm anyone. What I do see are people making bad, impulsive decisions with guns and those decisions have fatal consequences. My thinking is that stupid behavior remains stupid, and not lethal, if somehow the gun is taken out of the equation. As for a gun protecting my life, I have been held up at gun point and been a victim of other crimes, but I am still very much alive and I don’t walk around fearing for my life. Do most gun owners think they are about to be killed by someone?

    • Nina, I appreciate your reply. I hope my blog brings traffic to your website, I’m always looking for interesting stories and I do like the pictures you took, the comments, not so much. I called you a lib because you wrote the following:

      “When I think of a gun, I think of someone who is wounded or in mourning for a loved one. I think of children in Newtown, or teenagers in Chicago or the TSA employee at LAX. I think of Amadou Diallao, and other unarmed black men killed by the NYPD. Or I think of names and places forever conjoined – Cho Seung-Hui and Virginia Tech. George Zimmerman and Travyon Martin. – See more at:

      Why not think about these people that are alive today because they had a gun?

      I’m sorry you were victimized by armed criminals. I assure you these people did not get their guns at the gun show, and if you think laws against guns can help you, visit Mexico. It’s almost impossible to get a gun there legally, but illegally you can get pretty much anything you want.

      “Do most gun owners think they are about to be killed by someone?”

      We don’t, but we want to be prepared. We also know that most people killed by someone didn’t have a gun. I used to be a liberal myself, used to believe in big government, but when I saw that the liberal response to the murder of Matthew Sheppard was candlelight vigils, I said to myself, “these people are insane.” People are getting killed and they’re marching with candles? That’s how I ended up becoming conservative, then right-wing, now right-libertarian. It’s a label that fits me best since I’m not exactly pro-life or anti-gay marriage (although I do find the idea of government-approved marriage to be absolutely ridiculous). I wish people would evolve into demanding less government instead of more.

      Either way, don’t take my use of the word “lib” as an insult. It’s just a label based on my initial perception of you. Would centrist or independent work better for you?

      • Hi Greg
        I’m going to look at that weblink you sent — and see what I can learn. Thank you for your reply. It’s interesting to me that you changed your beliefs following the Matthew Sheppard case and the response.

        As for the label — to be honest, I find it hard identifying with any political group/candidate, and so in that regard I guess you could call me an independent.

        Thanks again, and I will check your blog in the future.


        • Thank you, in my book’s first chapter I go into greater detail than I did here. I know what you mean about political labels, you’re just like my parents. LOL

          Independent is fine then. Thanks for your comment. Check the block anytime you want. If you’re visually oriented, you’ll like the Advertising, Meme, and Images section.

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