A lot of medical professional and ambulance chasers think that if a Crib shoots a Blood, or if a homeowner shoots a burglar, that’s a “public health crises.”
The ACP, along with the American Academy of Family Physicians, American Academy of Pediatrics, American College of Emergency Physicians, American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, American College of Physicians, American College of Surgeons and the American Psychiatric Association in partnership with the American Public Health Association and the American Bar Association released the original policy paper back in February. The call-to-action urged for universal background checks, restrictions on military-style assault weapons, elimination of physician gag laws and funding for research on firearm-related injuries and deaths.
“There is no question that uniform, sensible gun laws, like the ones we have here in Massachusetts, would drive down the number of out-of-state firearms, gun-related injuries and homicides. A comprehensive strategy to reduce gun violence goes beyond legislation, it requires a medical and mental health component, a research component … and it requires a public perception component, like the ones that have successfully reduced tobacco use, drunken driving and domestic violence. There is absolutely no reason that the same principles can’t be applied to gun violence,” Suffolk County District Attorney Daniel F. Conley, said during the press conference.
“I’m not advocating one way or another for gun control as a whole, but I do think when someone comes in suicidal, we should work towards someway for them to no longer have a firearm in the house. The key towards that is better psychiatric care,” Raja said during the press conference.
Source: http://www.healio.com/family-medicine/practice-management/news/online/%7Becffb354-3a46-438d-8a62-cefc917b1d36%7D/organizations-label-firearm-related-injuries-deaths-public-health-crisis
Isn’t that great? So instead of the person thinking about suicide getting actual help, he gets his guns confiscated! Because there’s absolutely no other way you can kill yourself. You can’t jump from a bridge or drive your car of a cliff or take too many sleeping pills or slit your own wrists.
A public health crisis implies an epidemic, a REAL ONE such as Ebola, Tuberculosis, things you can actually catch unwillingly. As for injuries, consider these statistics of hunting vs. other sports:
To put hunting’s safety standing into perspective, compared to hunting a person is . . .
11 times more likely to be injured playing volleyball
19 times more likely to be injured snowboarding
25 times more likely to be injured cheerleading or bicycle riding
34 times more likely to be injured playing soccer or skateboarding
105 more times likely to be injured playing tackle football.
Source: NSSF
Or consider Gun injuries vs. car injuries (these stats don’t count suicides, a dirty trick by the anti-guners)
State Gun Accident and Homicide MV Accident and Homicide Alaska 17 84 Arizona 228 807 Colorado 108 557 Indiana 267 714 Michigan 507 962 Nevada 97 254 Oregon 55 391 Utah 30 256 Virginia 285 826 Washington 118 574 Source: The Truth About Guns
And what about medical malpractice vs. gun injuries? The liberal-leaning Politifacts admits that the NRA not only told the truth, but may have understated the numbers to play it safe:
So, is the NRA right to state that, nationwide, people are four times more likely to die from medical misadventures than firearm accidents and that figure drops to six times more likely for Florida?
The government’s 2007 data shows 613 accidental firearm deaths nationwide compared to 2,248 deaths from medical care adverse effect. That’s close to four times, as the NRA handout says. In Florida, there were 16 accidental firearm deaths compared to 108 medical care adverse effect. That’s almost seven times, even worse than the six times cited by the NRA.
And the NRA’s fact-sheet ignores gun deaths from murders and suicides, which take a significantly higher toll than accidents and can’t be ignored in the gun debate.
For the point the NRA is making — accidents only, guns v. medical misadventures — the numbers back up their claims but need clarification and context. We rate this claim Mostly True.
Source: Politifact
The one thing I’d like to know is why would the ambulance chasers (Americar Bar Association) be joining forces with the medical mafia? It would seem to me these would be mutual enemies, doctors aren’t happy buying liability insurance for as much as $100,000 a year. Perhaps the reason is simple, these groups want to scapegoat someone else so we don’t look at all the damage they create.
Apparently this anti-gun group feels the problem is using a few fingers less , HOWEVER, without firearms it is usually a lot of blood and limbs alike a recent culprit in Boston!
The pistols have been illegal in Australia since around 1902(around Australia’s year of Federation). whether a knife , lump of wood , iron bar , most ad-hoc weapon systems of killing or fighting causes horrendous injuries.
This invites his name as nick-name to be used people (whom take for granted a firearm will always be there to cleanly harm or kill from either perspective in a crime problem to remember what happens if they have only alternate methods) to remember what the injury result often can equal.
The “Boston Bomber”(non firearm attacker) is the equal of many of these medieval and prehistoric equipment that replaces the firearm as can be seen by the photographs of victims that day near the marathon finish after the bomb detonated showing the terrible similarity of wounds and number of dead(only two dead).
The below then deserve to be referred to as “Boston Bomber” or “would be Boston Bomber”
“Teenage Boston Bomber”
“Home invading Boston Bomber”
“Another home invading Boston Bomber”
Machete, axe used in bloody home invasion April 21, 2011
…Boston Bomber”
…Boston Bomber”
…Boston Bomber”
…Boston Bomber”
…Boston Bomber”
This here is the most simplified form of the “Boston Bomber” with two knife victims
The list goes on…..
(You may be interested to know that the following is illegal in Britain and its commonwealth countries but there are various weapons in houses around in Australia) This following IS NOT Australian footage or incident!
But it is what it can become easily in Australia or Britain in your house (the people in the house won this one but it can appear the opposite)!
Redo of Bob Englehart’s cartoon because it does not show what occurs after gun control is in place…
I almost forgot!!! The Khmer Rouge kept old gun barrels to execute death sentenced prisoners at the burial pits “because bullets cost too much” and they don’t use money and had very little resources , they used a “method of two strikes to the rear of the head using the bare gun barrel” , aside that, the machete on millions of people!
oddity: http://aussiecriminals.com.au/2012/07/18/man-charged-with-murder-over-mystery-disappearance-of-mt-isa-couple-in-cairns/
Thanks for all those links, and for doing the research. I appreciate it.