UPDATE! I JUST SAW THE MOVIE AND WROTE THE FOLLOWING: 5 Ways Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is Unintentionally Pro-Gun
I haven’t seen the new Planet of the Apes movie, but every movie reviewer is writing things like these:
…apes now rule a world where all but 1 in 500 humans have been wiped out by a so-called simian flu virus.
The movie feeds off a sense that, given the state of the planet, a reordering of the animal kingdom may be due. There’s a pervasive jealousy to the primates in “Apes”: their comfort in nature and simplicity of life. Audiences, in fact, will cheer the animals over the humans. And few will miss the gun control argument shallowly buried throughout the film. What would Charlton Heston have made of that?”
Source: http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/wireStory/review-monkey-business-planet-apes-24495445
Comfort in nature and simplicity of life sounds like a SURVIVALIST argument, and survivalists are extremely pro-gun. so where’s the gun control argument everyone keeps talking about? Are they saying Apes bought their AK-47s at AmmuNation? Would there not have been an Ape revolution if it wasn’t for the guns?
Let’s get a few things clear.
1. “Rise of the Planet of the Apes” happens in San Francisco, an anti-gun city where it’s just the criminals and cops that have guns for the most part
2. Unarmed humans prove a poor match against apes
3. Eventually both humans and apes fight each other with the guns they find
So where’s the argument for gun control? If anything, the argument here seems to be “get a gun or some 500-pound ape is going to kill you.” This is why previous movie reviewers considered the Planet of the Apes racist, because to a liberal, if you make a movie about armed apes, you’re dropping subtle hints against black people.
Movie reviewers are just seeing what they want to see. They’re like the people who accused the Friday the 13th series of being sexist and anti-woman when Jason kills both the good and bad, male and female.
The irony is that sometimes movies are made by anti-gun directors and end up delivering pro-gun messages. Consider films like Dawn of the Dead, what better argument for gun rights than showing people shooting zombies? Sure, you can use a knife or a sword to kill a zombie but then you have to get closer to your target which risks the chance of infection.
In the original Dawn of the Dead there’s even a gun store inside the shopping mall, very convenient indeed. In the remake the gun shop is across the street which requires the survivors to go through the sewers.
So frankly, I don’t care about the political views of the writers and directors, if they deliver a fine movie that portrays guns in a positive way, I will see it. Planet of the Apes is not going to turn any moviegoer into a gun-hating wuss, if anything, it might encourage some to get their ass to the range and see what the gun fun is all about.