Gun Confiscation coming to Canada

Conservative MP Blaine Calkins knows the Trudeau Liberals want to take away his firearms, which is why “Alberta native says they must pry them from his “cold, dead hands.”

The resolution Calkins referenced, “Fewer Guns, Less Violence,” has been put forward by the Young Liberals of Canada. It says nothing specific about confiscating legal firearms.

WHEREAS evidence demonstrates a clear relationship between the number of firearms in a society and the number of firearm-related homicides and suicides;WHEREAS gun violence in our urban and suburban centres remains a significant threat to public safety;

WHEREAS incidents of firearm-related crimes, deaths and injuries decrease when access to firearms is combined with effective policies that keep firearms out of the hands of those who would use them to for such purposes;

WHEREAS the Australian Conservative government of John Howard successfully reduced the number of firearms in that country through proactive initiatives such as gun buybacks which led to decreases in the rates of firearm-related crimes, homicides and suicides;

BE IT RESOLVED that the primary objective of a Liberal government firearms policy shall be reducing the number of firearms in Canada through initiatives inspired by the Australian model.

The Australian model is a confiscation-based model, but liberals never admit the truth until it’s too late. Just like the Nazis disguised their gas chambers as showers, the liberals use semantics to hide their agenda.

Calkins’ remarks came as Conservative MP Rob Anders faces criticism for posing at a shooting range over the weekend in front of a target that depicts Osama bin Laden.

The chairman of the Muslim Council of Calgary told the Calgary Herald that the image portrays Muslims as terrorists “who should be short or belittled.”

See what political correctness does to people? Osama Bin Laden was an INDIVIDUAL, he doesn’t represent all Muslims anymore than Jack the Ripper represents all English men, yet Chairman Stupid feels offended. Yeah, some Muslims are terrorists, and those should be shot.

2 Responses to Gun Confiscation coming to Canada

  1. Osama is one man, responsible for his actions and the consequences.
    Every single gun owner in Canada is the same, responsible for their individual actions……. we are NOT all responsible for the actions of a few criminals or spree killers, however.

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