So The Coalition to Protect Criminals from Armed Gun Owners (aka The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV)), is asking the NRA to fire Ted Nugent because of a few quotes they perceive as racist.
Really? This is like the KKK asking blacks to get rid of their guns.
“The NRA likes to bill itself as the ‘oldest civil rights organization in the United States,’” they explained in a petition published Wednesday. “If they want to wear that mantle it’s time for them to walk the walk and end their relationship with Ted Nugent. CSGV Communications Director Ladd Everitt said the petition had over 1,600 signatures as of Thursday morning.”
Wow! 1,600 signatures? I mean, the NRA has 5 million members and there are 100 million gun owners, but 1,600 signatures? OMG! We better fire Nugent ASAP.
Here’s a Nugent quote that got the Coalition for the Safety of Criminals upset.
“The blacks have bought into this lie that somehow they’re oppressed when the president is black, the attorney general is black, governors are black, senators are black, congressmen are black, mayors are black, Oprah Winfrey, the richest people in the world are black,” he insisted. “It is a dirty lie.”
Wow! This is so racist, come on, Ted, you can’t tell black people the truth. Lie to them, tell them they will never succeed.
Here’s another “racist” quote.
“I would like to reach out to black America and tell them to absolutely reject the lie of Al ‘Not So’ Sharpton, and Jesse Jackson, and the Black Panthers and Eric Holder and Barack Obama,” he told Jones. “They are enslaving you and the real shackles on black America, 100 percent of the time come from black America.”
Let’s compare those “racist” quotes with some actual racist quotes from Democrats and liberals.
“You’d find these potentates from down in Africa, you know, rather than eating each other, they’d just come up and get a good square meal in Geneva.” — Fritz Hollings (D, S.C.)
“Is you their black-haired answer-mammy who be smart? Does they like how you shine their shoes, Condoleezza? Or the way you wash and park the whitey’s cars?”
— Left-wing radio host Neil Rogers
Blacks and Hispanics are “too busy eating watermelons and tacos” to learn how to read and write.” — Mike Wallace, CBS News. Source: Newsmax
“He’s married to a white woman. He wants to be white. He wants a colorless society. He has no ethnic pride. He doesn’t want to be black.”
— California State Senator Diane Watson’s on Ward Connerly’s interracial marriage
“I’ll have those n*ggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”
— Lyndon B. Johnson to two governors on Air Force One according Ronald Kessler’s Book, “Inside The White House”
“Civil rights laws were not passed to protect the rights of white men and do not apply to them.” — Mary Frances Berry, Chairwoman, US Commission on Civil Rights
(I) “will not let the white boys win in this election.” — Donna Brazile, Al Gore’s Campaign Manager on the 2000 election
“The old white boys got taken fair and square.” — San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown after winning an election
You can see the entire list of racist quotes form Democrats here.
I think Ted Nugent will be just fine. And you know something? Even if Ted Nugent didn’t like you as a person, he’s still gonna fight for your right to keep and bear arms, and so will I.
Can you say the same about liberals? You surely can’t, liberals only fight for the people they like, and they usually end up doing more harm than good.
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