Gonzaga Students get Probation- will appeal.

Looks like public pressure has had some effect. Instead of expulsion, they’re getting probation:

Gonzaga University will review its weapons policy as two students who used a pistol to scare off an intruder appeal their probation for having guns in their university-owned apartment.


Their lawyer, Dean Chuang, said Gonzaga should consider student safety above all else.

“We’re glad that it didn’t have to end in tragedy for them to consider changing the policy there,” Chuang said. “Our boys were armed and stopped a home invasion here.”
Source: http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-201_162-57611872/gonzaga-to-review-policy-as-2-students-appeal-probation-for-having-gun/


Yet another reason why we need a Gun Owners Protection Act. You should not be penalized for using a weapon in self-defense, and non-profit universities should not be free to discriminate against gun owners.




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