Gift for a Gun Grabber

The left-wing website that took his picture thinks it’s an insult to be called right-wing.
Sorry commie, Right is always better than Red, as in commie Red.
Source of Image:

I like Gun activist Mike Vanderboeg, blogger at sipseystreetirregulars, he sent the anti-gun governor of Connecticut an “illegal high-capacity magazine” as a Christmas present.

Connecticut outlawed new magazines with more than 10 rounds when it passed major gun violence reduction legislation on April 4, moving it up the ranks to second place behind California for the toughest laws in the country.

Residents with magazines with more than 10 bullets purchased before that date can keep them, but they have to be registered by Jan. 1 and there are strict rules on where they can be stored and how they are transported.

Just imagine the irony making gun banners live by the laws they pass. What’s the matter, governor? I can’t have a high capacity magazine? Neither can you! By the way, the reporter who wrote “gun violence reduction legislation” must be smoking crack, call it what it is, “gun control legislation.” This is why I hate the media, they editorialize outside the opinion page.

The likelihood the “gift” will land on Malloy’s desk is probably zero as such a package would be vetted by the Capitol police with the state police brought into the mix for suspicious deliveries.

Vanderboegh was at a pro-gun rally at the state Capitol in April where he urged citizens to be the best lawbreakers they could be by resisting the new gun laws.

True, but the media attention is priceless, not that Vanderboeg isn’t used to attention, Bill Clinton himself denounced his work on CNN. Why? Because he’s a 3%.

“Vanderboegh, of Alabama, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, led the Sons of Liberty, an antigovernment militia, in the 1990s and most recently is the founder of THREE%ER, which was so named “from the theory that only 3% of American colonials actually fought the British.”
Source: Idem

Is there such a thing as a pro-government militia? I would think the role of the militia is to protect the country, governments change, presidents and politicians come and go. This is why I burn red when someone tells me he respects “The Office of the President.”  It’s the fuhrer-lover mentality some Americans seem to have.

The Three Percent today are gun owners who will not disarm, will not compromise and will no longer back up at the passage of the next gun control act.

These guys are patriots with balls as big as dinosaur eggs.

6 Responses to Gift for a Gun Grabber

  1. Mike Vanderboegh’s actions put real meaning into his words. If you want to learn what it means to be a 21st century American patriot, watch what Mike does.

    • I believe you, he has a fascinating blog and history. Even though I don’t have the guts to get in the cross-hairs of the law the way he does, I do admire him for doing it. Our war for the Second Amendment is being fought in many fronts, I wish you and him the very best.

  2. Yeah, but the problem with Mike Vanderboegh is that he was (and likely still is) a self-identified Communist. Others didn’t call him that…HE called himself a communist. “Oh, but he’s changed his mind!” you say. Yeah, right. If you believe that, then I have some inexpensive and comprehensive insurance to sell you thru Obamacare.

    • David Horowitz is also a former communist, he was raised by them as a child, saw the errors of their ways and now he’s a good conservative. The question is, do you believe in redemption? I don’t know Mike well, but if he’s willing to fight for the Second Amendment, I’m willing to stand by him. The war for the Second Amendment requires strange alliances. Think about this, the Black Panthers are pro-gun commies, their behavior in California, marching with guns, led to gun control. Reagan back then could have stood up for the Second Amendment, but instead, he and his fellow politicians compromised and passed gun control. This is why I believe principles are bigger than individuals, if you fight for individuals, they will disappoint you, but if you fight for principles, you’ll never be disappointed.

      • Maybe you’re challenged in some way, but there’s a BIG difference in being a child raised by communists and growing up to see the error in that thinking, as opposed to being an ADULT, reasoning, relatively intelligent American citizen who espouses communism and its goals….THAT is Mike Vanderboegh. If you think otherwise, then I guess Hitler was just misunderstood Austrian tourist in your book. I don’t trust someone who wants redemption for his past while he constantly throws out accusations against others who have erred in their pasts, and doesn’t grant them the same redemption people like you think he deserves. What’s good enough for Mikey, ain’t good enough for others….I guess that’s ‘cuz he’s special, and everyone else who effed up in their life aren’t. Mike talks good talk, and is adept at attending rallys and saying what everyone wants to hear…I grant him that. But he’s still a communist, no matter what he “purportedly” supports now.

        • I’m not challenged in any way, Mr. AZ. My mental faculties are top-notch.

          Whatever Vanderboeg is, I gave him coverage because I agree with what he’s doing, Toys for Tyrants is a brilliant idea, it gets publicity, and it takes courage since he may or may not be violating the law. Frankly, why are you so bothered with Mr. V? He’s not an elected official, he doesn’t support gun control, he’s not after our guns. Suffice to say, I’m not in business to attack a fellow gun owner, my war is with the anti-gunners.

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