Geraldo calls the 2nd Amendment “blind and stupid.”

Too bad the 2nd Amendment isn’t an illegal aliens, then Geraldo would support it:

Like I always say, the 2nd Amendment, the provision that gives every American the right to keep and bear arms, is blind and stupid. In its relentless pimping for the gun industry, the NRA has unleashed an avalanche of deadly weapons on this gun-crazy country. Just as protects access to weapons for cops and hunters, it also protects access to weapons for domestic abusers, mental patients, jerk-offs on the no-fly list, all-around dim bulbs, and now little children.

As the father of a sweet, smart nine year old daughter myself, the latest example of gross excess is the image of that pony-tailed New Jersey girl accidentally killing her gun range instructor. It is obscene and uncivilized to let a third grader shoot a fully automatic Uzi machine gun. What was she training for, revolution? Invasion? Service in the coming post-apocalyptic social disorder? Stupid, but just another of countless examples of how far into insanity we have let the gun nuts push us.

While Christine Rousselle (see source link) did a great job attacking Geraldo, I do not care for this paragraph:

I actually agree with most of Rivera’s second paragraph: it was absolutely irresponsible for a young child to be shooting an Uzi. I disagree, however, with the assertion that it is the “gun nuts” fault that the girl was on the range. It’s not uncommon at all for a child to learn to shoot at a young age, whether it be for hunting or sporting purposes. Giving an Uzi to a child, on the other hand, was absolutely ridiculous and this tragedy easily could have been avoided.”

Sweetheart, it’s not the weapon, it’s the TRAINER. As you can see in this video, lots of children have shot fully-automatic weapons with no problems whatsoever. If the trainer is bad, I don’t want that kid using a bow and arrow, or riding a bike, or scuba-diving, or horseback-riding. Bad trainers get in trouble, and I’m not saying the victim here was always a bad trainer, but in this case, he was and his mistake cost him his life.

As for Geraldo, you’d think he’d believe in due process. The “no flight list” has plenty of INNOCENT people, of course the NRA is gonna fight for law-abiding gun owners, unlike you who fights for law-breaking illegal aliens.

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