Free Concealed Carry in Ohio?

Two Republicans are proposing, here’s what anti-gunner Cecily Rus has to say about it.

The bill, which is the brainchild of Representatives Ron Hood of Ashville and Matt Lynch of Bainbridge Township, would allow anyone who is 21 years old and above to carry a concealed firearm as long as they are not legally prohibited from having a gun.


Absolutely no license would be required, though some existing stipulations, including bans on firearms in certain buildings, would be maintained.


As the law currently reads, Ohioans hoping to get a license to carry must undergo fingerprinting, as well as criminal and mental competency background checks. Applicants must also have firearms or peace officer training as proof of firearms competency.


In his argument for the proposed bill, Lynch said that, “the right in the Second Amendment is the only one in the Bill of Rights that you have to get permission for.”


Lynch also makes the childish-sounding argument that, “you don’t have to have a speech license or a worship license or a freedom of the press license. This is designed to put the Second Amendment on equal footing.” No fair.


That’s now a childish-sounding argument, it’s a PRINCIPLED argument. If Celily ever gets pregnant and I told her “instead of having an abortion, give your baby up for adoption,” I wonder what she would say of my argument?

Besides, the left doesn’t mind using children when it comes to promoting environmentalism, health care and the rest of their crap. Here we’re talking about adults, 21-year-olds for crying out loud.


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