When you land in Columbia, SC, you might come across this ad:
Finney, a Columbia resident, was returning from West Virginia on Sunday, when she spotted a billboard-sized ad for FN Manufacturing’s retail store in the concourse area at Columbia Metropolitan Airport. The ad shows eight firearms and in black, bold letters touts, “Yeah, we carry.”
Read more here: http://www.thestate.com/news/local/crime/article88326042.html#storylink=cpy
I’m honestly shocked she survived living in West Virginia.
Both airport and FN Manufacturing officials dismissed questions about the sensitivity of the ad campaign, and instead highlighted FN as having been part of South Carolina for more than 30 years
Nearly 20 percent of the airport’s travelers are military personnel, the ad’s target audience. Finney theorized that it’s likely why one of the banners touts that FN’s weapons are built in Columbia just like “the world’s finest soldiers.”
I just hope the airport remains firm and loyal to their advertisers.
[…] somebody would put that on the wall that is welcoming travelers, visitors in South Carolina.” more here (function() { var referer="";try{if(referer=document.referrer,"undefined"==typeof […]