Fake Firearm Bill debated in Maine

California is not the only State where they’re trying to control toy guns…

AUGUSTA (WGME) – Safety and security at your schools is firing up debate at the Maine State House. A new bill would make it a crime for students to have fake guns on school property.

Maine State Senator Dawn Hill (D-District 1) proposed a new law that would prohibit non-firing, replica firearms, in other words, fake guns, from being on or near school property. Students who are caught with them could be sent to jail for six months and fined up to $1,000.

Police across the country say they’re having a harder time telling real guns from knock-offs. California teen Andy Lopez was shot and killed last fall by a deputy while carrying a replica rifle; investigators say it looked like a real AK-47.

“We’re up against these issues, and we need to deal with them. These are different times, and there’s a heightened alert now,” Sen. Hill said.

Just last week a toy gun put the brakes on a school bus in Auburn. The driver called police when he heard students talking about a gun. School officials later told us the student had a toy gun in his backpack.

But Senator Hill’s bill on replica guns is getting push back in Augusta.

“If it’s in somebody’s trunk and it hasn’t been used to scare anyone, it’s as harmless as a shoe,” David Trahan with the Sportsman’s Alliance of Maine told us.

The Maine Civil Liberties Union and the Sportsman’s Alliance of Maine say the bill isn’t specific enough and the punishment is too severe.

“I’d hate to see a kid put a Lego kit like this together thinking he’s doing nothing wrong and then all of a sudden arrested and convicted of a crime,” Trahan said in an interview with CBS 13.

It’s already a crime to have a real gun on a school campus and most school districts have policies in place that ban anything that looks like a gun. But if this bill becomes law, instead of breaking a school rule, a student with a fake firearm, would be committing a crime.

The Maine Education Association says its main concern is safety but isn’t taking a position on the bill.

“These are complicated issues that need to be thought out carefully. There are school policies and laws that are impacted,” Paul Hamilton with the MEA said.

Our research found federal law requires orange markings on toy guns so police can quickly tell a real from a fake, but they can easily be removed or pop off creating confusion for police. That’s something else lawmakers on the Education Committee will consider and debate as they continue to talk about fake firearms and schools.
Source: http://www.wgme.com/news/features/top-stories/stories/fake-firearm-bill-fires-up-debate-20867.shtml#.UvSKXPk2ymY

While it’s true that the 2nd Amendment is about real guns and not toy guns, the reason I share this is because you and I know that the first step to destroy our freedom is to manipulate our children. As Hitler put it, “In Germany today, the youth lead the way.”

There is nothing wrong with bringing a toy to school for recess fun or “show and tell.” The enemy wants a “Gun-Free Country,” they want to turn our boys into eunuchs, castrated sensitive freaks that instead of holding a replica gun and shouting “bang,” will cry like a girl over some kid teasing him.

I’m not saying bullying is good, but back in my day we fought the bully, we stood up to the bully, we learned to respond with words and if that wasn’t good enough, then fists. Today the anti-gunners want to turn our boys into wussies, poor little victims that instead of fighting back, cry.

God help us if we let them win.

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